Bringing-to-light: “ECO EGYPT” - Egypt’s Hidden Gems

September 27, 2020

Ecotourism is becoming a growing trend for many travelers especially after what the world has gone through due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Many travelers to local destinations whether from Egyptian or international tourists are craving the return to adventures and expeditions exploring the country’s natural and cultural landscape.

We have shed light on the term “Ecotourism Experiences”, combining tourism conservation practices along with an enjoyable human experience through ECO EGYPT.

ECO EGYPT concept aims to reconnect adventurous travelers with Egypt’s countless ecological sites and protected areas. With the goal of prompting natural rediscovery and boosting the importance of ecological conservation, ECO EGYPT sheds light on all the wildlife, plant diversity, and natural landscapes on offer throughout Egypt. The concept encourages sustainable, responsible tourism for travelers seeking unique, out-of-the-box experiences.

“Take Nothing but Photographs.”

“Kill Nothing but Time.”

“Leave Nothing but Memories.”

And that is how our story started…

ECO EGYPT; a nationwide campaign led by the Egypt’s Ministry of Environment (MoE). Started in March 2019, ECO EGYPT campaign is part of LiveGreen اتحضَر للأخضر campaign which is executed under the auspices of His Excellency President Abd El Fattah El-Sisi.

ECO EGYPT is developed by the Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Egypt’s Tourism Project (MBDT) which is implemented by the Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF). The campaign will last for three years.

By centering the voices, experiences, and customs of local tribespeople, from Nubians to Bedouins, ECO EGYPT advocates support for both the tourism sector & local livelihoods by giving a platform for the unique practices, traditions, and crafts of local communities. From camping to diving, stargazing to birdwatching, Egypt’s ecological sites promise unparalleled experiences for the curious, young and old. Get a taste of everything Egypt’s ecology has to offer and start planning your environmentally conscious, once-in-a-lifetime trip now!


UNDP Egypt/ Eco Egypt - Akram Reda


In order to shed light on ecotourism in Egypt through ECO EGYPT Experiences campaign, four pillars serve as the main anchors of the campaign:


Get to explore more than 13 destinations/protected areas in Egypt.


Explore a variety of eco-activities that can be done in those hidden gems.


Dig deeper into Egypt’s culture and meet the tribes of each destination while enjoying their handicrafts and the unique essence of their minimalistic lifestyle.


Camps and ecolodges to stay inside of each destination where you can enjoy the true meaning of authenticity.

ECO EGYPT is offering an encyclopedia for Egypt’s hidden gems where everyone can get inspired by what nature has to offer, learn more about the conservation of natural resources, and get charmed by local communities, cultures and traditions.


UNDP Egypt/ Eco Egypt - Ahmed Hayman


What We Do. Why We Do it.

ECO EGYPT aims to create an ecotourism model for promoting Egypt as an environmentally conscious destination through enhancing sustainable practices and operations in and around protected areas. Most importantly, creating an enabling environment for businesses to adopt & upscale this model.

What We Aspire.

We aspire that by 2030, Egypt will have become a global ecotourism destination.


UNDP Egypt/ Eco Egypt - Ahmed Hayman


Eco Egypt’s official launch coincided with the World Tourism Day 2020; a day that witnessed the launch of Egypt’s first nationwide campaign on Ecotourism. As the country adapts and rethinks tourism, preparing for the aftermath of CVOID-19, Eco Egypt is a new opportunity for the local communities and the tourists to come together, closer to nature to enjoy an unforgettable experience at Egypt’s hidden gems.


Learn more about Eco Egypt through the brochure in English and Arabic.