UNDP, Office of Auditor General partner to increase awareness on Gender equality

December 10, 2022
Monica M.

As requested by the Office of the Auditor General (OAG), participatory gender awareness training was conducted for the Office’s whole staff. Divided over two days, 120 staff were trained on gender equality terminology, the importance of gender mainstreaming, and how everyone can contribute to enhancing gender equality. Prior to the training, the OAG had already made remarkable strides towards integrating gender equality into their office culture through drafting a Gender Policy and a Gender Equality Strategy, as well as establishing a Gender Focal Team to coordinate further activities.

Welcome remarks were provided by UNDP`s Resident Representative Mr. James Wakiaga and the Head of Division for Human Resources of the OAG, Mr. Ghebreselassie Mehari. Both reiterated the importance of building capacity and knowledge on gender issues and noted that gender equality work must be done at all levels of any organization, starting from top management, and requires the commitment of all staff. When a workplace embraces gender equality, it becomes a better place to work.

Following the newly published UNDP Gender Equality Strategy 2022-2025, UNDP Eritrea is committed to finding gender-responsive and transformative solutions to development challenges and seeking partnerships to increase gender knowledge and spur actions toward gender equality.

During the participatory gender awareness training at the Office of Auditor General

Monica M.

In her opening remarks, Mrs. Nashida Sattar, Deputy Resident Representative, with Ms. Hannele Hupanen, UNDP Gender Analyst

Monica M.