UNDP at the 78th session of the UN General Assembly

September 5, 2023


EventWhenHow to join
UN High-level Event | SDG Summit 18-19 SeptemberView event page
UN High-level Event | Climate Ambition Summit20 SeptemberView event page
UN High-level Event  |  Meetings on Health 202320-22 SeptemberView event page
UN High-level Event | Financing for Development20 SeptemberView event page
UN High-level Event | Summit of the Future21 SeptemberView event page
Launch of Integrated SDG Insights Report | UNDPTuesday 12 September | 6pm - 8pm EDTInvites Only Event
Wednesday 13 September  
Africa's Sixth Region: Building Educational, Financial and Development Partnerships to Promote 2030 SDGs & AU Agenda 2063 | UNDP,  Government of South Africa, OCHBCUWednesday 13 September | 10am - 12pm EDT 
Friday 15 September  
Unlocking SDG 16.9: Harnessing the UN Legal Identity Agenda for Leaving No One Behind in Bangladesh, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, India, Nigeria and Pakistan | UN Legal Identity Taskforce, the Bloomberg Philanthropies Data for Health Initiative, Governments of Bangladesh, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, India, Nigeria and Pakistan, UNDPFriday 15 September | 10am - 12pm EDT 
Accelerating Progress on SDG16 in Fragile and Conflict Affected Settings | International Dialogue on Peacebuilding and Statebuilding, UNDP, Governments of Canada and Sierra Leone, G7+Group of Conflict Affected and Fragile Countries, DAC's Network on Conflict and Fragility, the Civil Society Platform on Peacebuilding and StatebuildingFriday 15 September | 12pm - 1:30pm EDTRegister Here
Saturday 16 September  
Catalyzing Transformative Change: Science Academia, and the Journey to 2030 | DESA, UNDP, SDSN, ISC, Scientific and Technological Community Major Group, WMO, representatives of the Secretary General's 10 Member- Group of High-level RepresentativesSaturday 16 September | 11:15am - 1pm EDT 
Major Groups & Other Stakeholders session - Panel 1: Building partnerships to leave no one behind | MGOS, UNDPSaturday 16 September | 11:20am - 12pm EDTUNHQ CR-4 | In-person Event
UNDP Accelerator Labs: Breaking the scale barrier - From SDG Innovation to SDG AchievementSaturday 16 September | 3pm - 4:30pm EDTRegister Here
Sunday 17 September  
Data for Action: Exploring the potential for integrated and granular data in improving SDG implementation in the era of polycrisis | Save the Children, UNDP, MGCY,  Governments of United Kingdom, Jamaica, Luxembourg, Costa Rica, Sunday 17 September | 10am - 11:30am EDT 
High Impact Initiative: FutureGov: Building Public Sector Capabilities for the Future | UNDP, DESA,  World Bank,  Governments of Bangladesh, Capo Verde, China, Georgia, Germany, Kenya, Panama, Paraguay, Romania, Republic of Korea, Rwanda, Singapore, the Netherlands and the UAESunday 17 September | 10am - 11:30am EDTView event page
High Impact Initiative: Local2030 Coalition | UNDP, UN-HabitatSunday 17 September | 10am - 11:30am EDTView event page
High Impact Initiative: From Billions to Trillions: Scaling-up Energy Compacts to deliver on SGD7 | UN-Energy, UNDP, DESA, Sustainable Energy for ALLSunday 17 September | 10am - 11:30am EDTView event page
Accelerating SDG Progress through National Financing Strategies and INFFs | UNDP, Governments of Nigeria and Indonesia, INFF Facility,  DESA, UNICEF, International Budget PartnershipSunday 17 September | 10am - 11:30am EDTView event page
SDG Digital | UNDP, ITUSunday 17 September | 10:30am - 4:30pm EDTView event page
High Impact Initiative: Global Accelerator on Jobs and Social Protection for Just Transitions | ILO, UNDP, UNICEF, UN Women, FAO, WFPSunday 17 September | 11:45am - 1:15pm EDTView event page
High Impact Initiative: Biodiversity & Nature | UNEP, FAO, CBD, UNDP, UNESCO, UNICEF, UNDDR, UN-Habitat, WFP, WIPOSunday 17 September | 11:45am - 1:15pm EDTView event page
High Impact Initiative: Unlocking the Data Dividend for the Sustainable Development Goals | GPSDD, UNDP, DESA, WHO, UNFPA, DCO, OSET, RECs, EOSG-SDU/SPMUSunday 17 September | 11:45am - 1:15pm EDTView event page
What works to accelerate progress towards SDG17 "Partnership for the Goals"? Presenting lessons from the Global SDG Synthesis Coalition | UNDP, UNICEF, Governments of Malawi, Panama, United Kingdom, Lithuania, Denmark,  UN Global Compact 2030 Panel, Southern Voice, Campbel Collaboration, Global SDG Synthesis CoalitionSunday 17 September | 11:45am - 1:15pm EDTView event page
Accelerating SDGs through Risk-informed Investments in Infrastructure | Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure, UNDPSunday 17 September | 11:45am - 1:15pm EDT 
Development Cannot Wait: Special Session on advancing sustainable development in complex settings | UNHCR, UNDP, DCO, WFP, OCHASunday 17 September | 1:30pm - 2:45pm EDT 
Financing Localization or Localizing Finance? | Government of Egypt, UNDP, UNESCWA, UN-HabitatSunday 17 September | 1:30pm - 3pm EDTView event page
High Impact Initiative: Digital Public Infrastructure | ITU, UNDPSunday 17 September | 3pm - 4:30pm EDTView event page
High Impact Initiative: SDG Stimulus | DESA, UNDPSunday 17 September | 3pm - 4:30pm EDTView event page
High Impact Initiative: Violence against Women - Spotlight Initiative | Office of the SG Spotlight Secretariat, EU, UN Women, UNFPA, UNICEF, UNDPSunday 17 September | 3pm - 4:30pm EDTView event page
CHAD: The Journey towards Constitutional Order | Government of Chad, DPPA, UNDPSunday 17 September | 3:15pm - 4:45pm EDT 
Monday 18 September  
Scaling Up Green Investments to Address Climate Change | UNDP, Global Green Health Initiative, Institutional Investors NetworkMonday 18 September | 8:30am - 1pm EDT 
Sustainability Summit NYC Opening Panel | Government of Denmark, UNDPMonday 18 September 9am - 9:45am EDTView event page
Accelerating the New Resilience Agenda | WEF, UNDPMonday 18 September | 10:30am - 12pm EDT 
Building Trust in a Fractured World Informal Gathering of World Economic Leaders | WEF, UNDPMonday 18 September | 12:30pm - 2pm EDT 
High-level Reception Germany 50 Years in the UN | Government of Germany, UNDPMonday 18 September | 6pm - 8pm EDT 
High-level Reception - Financing the Green Reception | Government of Denmark, PensionDanmark, PKA, State of Green, Sustainability Summit NYC, UNDPMonday 18 September | 6pm - 7pm EDT 
Data-Informed Policymaking, A Catalyst for the SDG | UNDP, GIZ, BMZ, Government of GermanyMonday 18 September | 6pm - 7pm EDTDoha Room, UNOSSC | In-person Event
High-level Event of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests | FAO, UNDPMonday 18 September | 6pm EDT 
Ocean Race Summit | Ocean Race, Government of Cape Verde, UNDP, IUCN, Earth Law CenterMonday 18 September | 6:30pm - 8:30pm EDTUNHQ CR-4 | In-person Event
The State of Cross-Border Philanthropy as Natural and Human-caused Disasters Strike: Key findings form the 2023 Global Philanthropy Tracker | UNDP, Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, Monday 18 September | 11am - 12pm EDTRegister here
Private Sector Forum | UNGC, UNDPMonday 18 September  
Raising the Bar on Sustainable and Inclusive Growth | UNDP, McKinsey Global InstituteMonday 18 - Thursday 21 September  
The Role of Fight against Sepsis, AMR and Pandemics for the Achievement of the Health Related SDGs | Save the Children, UNITE, UNDPMonday 18 September  
Tuesday 19 September  
A UN and MDB Partnership for Success: Reforming the Multilateral Architecture to Achieve the SDGs | BMZ, Government of Germany, World Bank, IMF, UNDPTuesday 19 September | 8am - 9:30am EDT 
The Global SDG Synthesis Coalition Harnessing the Power of Evaluation and Evidence Accelerate SDG Transformations | UNDP, UNICEF, Governments of Lithuania, Spain, Panama, Malawi, Philippines, Norway, Denmark, United Kingdom, the Global SDG Synthesis CoalitionTuesday 19 September | 8am - 9:45am EDTView event page
Unlocking Entrepreneurship and Innovation for Youth Empowerment and Sustainable Development through a Coalition for African Entrepreneurs | TEF, UNDP, UNICEF, GEN UTuesday 19 September | 8am - 10:30am EDT 
Africa Investment Partnership: Financing Africa's Critical Minerals Supply Chain for the Global Energy Transition | UNDP, AFC, BCIU, Ai4DevTuesday 19 September | 8:30am - 10am EDT 
Rights, Participation and Benefits for Indigenous People and Local Communities in Forest Climate Finance | Forest and Climate Leaders' Partnership, Ford Foundation, UNDPTuesday 19 September | 9am - 2pm EDT 
SDG Media Zone Panel: Data-Informed Policymaking. A Lifeline for the SDGs | UNDP,  Government of Germany, UNOSSCTuesday 19 September | 10:30am - 4:30pm EDT 
DRC Climate Financing: DRC leading an African voice | UNDP, Government of Democratic Republic of CongoTuesday 19 September | 11am - 12pm EDT 
Launch of Global SDG 16 Report | UNDP, UNODC, OHCHR, Government of Timor Leste, Sierra LeoneTuesday 19 September | 12pm EDT 
Pursuing Well-being, Equity and Healthy Societies through Sustainable Fiscal Policies| Government of Norway, UNDP, WHO/EuropeTuesday 19 September | 12:15pm - 2pm EDTDoha Room FF Building 11th Floor | In-person Event
Exploring Alternative Financing Solutions for Uganda's Sustainable Development Goals | UNDP, Government of Uganda, NPATuesday 19 September | 1:15pm - 3pm EDT 
High Level Event for Nature and People: From Ambition to Action | Global Ocean Alliance, High Ambition Coalition for Nature and People, Leaders Pledge 4 Nature, Governments of Bhutan, Colombia, Costa Rica, France, Nigeria, United Kingdom, the EU, UNDPTuesday 19 September | 6:30pm EDT

View event page

The Westin, Grand Central

Beyond Prohibition: Unpacking the Connection between Drug Policies and Sustainable Development Priorities | Governments of Colombia, Brazil, UNP, the Open Society FoundationsTuesday 19 September | 6:30pm - 7:30pm EDTUNHQ CR-7 | In-person Event
Education Financing and the Debt Crisis | Education Above All, UNDPTuesday 19 September  
Wednesday 20 September  
Innovating Financing for the SDGs: Directing finance towards sustainable development, trade and business in developing countries and emerging markets | Government of Sweden, DESA, UNDPWednesday 20 September | 7am - 8:30am EDT 
UNAIDS High-Level Action Event | UNAIDS, Governments of Botswana and United States, European Commission, UNDPWednesday 20 September | 8am - 9:30am EDT 
Annual Conference on Governance in Latin America and the Caribbean | UNDP, CAFWednesday 20 September | 8:30am - 10:30am EDT 
Green Transitions for Food Security in Africa | UNDP, Global Green Health Initiative, Government of KoreaWednesday 20 September | 9am - 11am EDT 
Roundtable Discussion: Raising the Bar on Sustainable and Inclusive Growth | UNDP,  McKinskey Global InstituteWednesday 20 September | 9:30am - 11:30am EDT 
6th Annual Leaders on Purpose CEO Summit | Leaders on Purpose, UNDP

Wednesday 20 September | 9am - 11:30am EDT 

6pm EDT - Dinner

Engaging with Philanthropies to Accelerate the 2030 Agenda in Africa and the Arab States | UNDPWednesday 20 September | 10am - 12pm (EDT)DC1 CR - 23rd Floor | In-person Event
Africa Sustainable Development Report Launch | UNDP, UNECA, AUC, AfDBWednesday 20 September | 10am - 12pm EDTView event page AU Permanent Mission to the UN | In-person Event
Thursday 21 September  
Trygve Lie Symposium on Fundamental Freedoms | Government of Norway, International Peace Institute, UNDPThursday 21 September | 8am - 9:45am EDTView event page
8th Ministerial Meeting of the Like-Minded Group for Middle-Income Countries | Govts of Morocco, Armenia, Belarus, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Lebanon, Mexico, Namibia, Panama, Peru, the Philippines and Uruguay, UNDPThursday 21 September | 8am - 10am EDTUNHQ CR11 | In-person Event
Anti-Racism in Programming | UN Network on Racial Discrimination and Protection of Minorities, UNFPA, OHCHR, UN Women, UNDP, NGOsThursday 21 September | 8am EDT 
Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet | GEAPP, Global Leadership Council Members, UNDPThursday 21 September | 8:30am - 10:30am EDT 
Global Financial Access | EXIM, AFC, UNDPThursday 21 September | 8:30am - 12pm EDT 
United Nations SDG Action Zone | UN/SDG Strategy Hub, UNDPThursday 21 September | 10am EDT 
Launch of NDC Implementation Guidance for the Agriculture, Forests and other Land Uses Sector: Achieving long-term strategies through short-term action | UNDP, Climate Focus, Forest Declaration Platform, UN-REDD ProgrammeThursday 21 September | 1pm - 2:30pm EDTSave the date
Visit Lesotho: Experience elevation delivering on the SDGs the Lesotho way | Government of Lesotho, UNDPThursday 21 September | 1:15pm - 3:15pm EDT 
High-level Ministerial Lunch | Government of Denmark, DESA, UNFCCC, UNDPThursday 21 September | 1:15pm - 2:45pm EDTUNHQ Private Dining Room 2-3 | In-person Event
Inclusive Capital: Empowering Women Entrepreneurs on a Global Scale | Women Entrepreneurship Accelerator, UN Women, W20, 19/19 Investment Counsel, Yildiz Holding, Mary Kay, UNDPThursday 21 September | 6pm - 9:30pm EDT 
GABI - The Power of Ideas: Timbuktoo Session on Youth Tech Innovation | Global Compact, UNDP, ECA, OSAA, AU,ITC, ITU, Sustainable Energy for ALLThursday 21 - Friday 22 September  
Friday 22 September  
Achieving #GapZero: Evidence-Driven Inclusive Governance in Africa | UNDP, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf Center, Friday 22 September | 9am - 11am EDT 
The Humanitarian Development and Peace Nexus: From Theory to Practice with the compass towards 2030 | KsRelief, UNDP, ICRC, Saudi Fund for DevelopmentFriday 22 September |  10am - 11:30am EDTDC1 CR - 23rd Floor | In-person Event
Empowering Civil Society: How to unleash innovation and SDG Finance through the Power of Community | UNDP, Islamic Solidarity Fund for Development, Islamic Development Bank, OICFriday 22 September | 10am - 12pm EDTUNHQ CR-12 | Hybrid Event Register here
Sustainable Reconstruction: Accelerating and Inclusive and Sustainable Recovery in the Arab States Region | Government of Iraq, UNDP, UN-Habitat, Oliver WymanFriday 22 September | 1:15pm - 2:30pm EDTUNHQ CR-6 | In-person Event
Digital for Sustainable Development | UNDP, GSMA, IsDB, SAMENA, Telecommunications Council, Kingdom of Bahrain, ESCWA, ITU, DCO Friday 22 September | 1:15pm - 3:45pm EDTView event page
Building Economies of the Future: The Power of Investing in NDCs and LTS to Deliver the Paris Agreement and the SDGs |  UNDP, BMZ, Governments of Germany, Peru and EgyptFriday 22 September | 2pm - 2:30pm EDT 
High-Level panel on Climate Promise and Delivering the Paris Agreement |  UNDP, Governments of Germany and PeruFriday 22 September  
Saturday 23 September  
Women in Political Leadership: Shaping the Future of Prosperity | UNDP, AU, AWLN Initiative, Government of South AfricaSaturday 23 September | 9am - 10:30am EDT 
Monday 25 September  
Transformation through Knowledge and Data: Honoring 15 years of Partnerships for Sustainable Development | UNDP, UAE, MBRFMonday 25 September | 10am - 1pm EDTUNHQ CR-6 | In-person Event