Palm Oil, Pineapples and Partnerships: Impact and Lessons from a Decade of Transforming Agricultural Commodities

Palm Oil, Pineapples and Partnerships: Impact and Lessons from a Decade of Transforming Agricultural Commodities
October 8, 2021
The UNDP Green Commodities Programme is celebrating 10 years of impacts and is sharing its learnings on transforming commodities. In the past ten years GCP has developed a suite of processes and techniques which bring the whole system together to decide on a way forward.
These are comprehensively researched and explained in the 108-page report, “Palm Oil, Pineapples and Partnerships” available to download here.
A brief web-based summary can be found here:
Haoliang Xu, Assistant Secretary-General, Assistant Administrator and Director of the Bureau for Policy and Programme Support (BBPS) says in the Foreword:
“UNDP Administrator Achim Steiner said in a 2021 TED Talk, “Systems don’t change systems, people do”, and GCP is at the centre of transforming people and systems simultaneously.
Supporting national governments and transforming enabling environments is at the heart of GCP’s impact. Examples include the Indonesian government bringing 14 Ministries into alignment around the Sustainable Palm Oil Initiative, Liberian stakeholders achieving a customised National Interpretation of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil standard for their local context, and the impact of our work in coffee in Peru leading the government to request UNDP’s help in cocoa and palm oil as well.
If we are to achieve the SDGs and build a better future after COVID-19 we must work together. UNDP’s expertise in food and agricultural commodity systems will be central in bringing systemic collaboration to the position it deserves at the heart of our global solution.