Take collaborative action

Take Collaborative Action

At some point, we have to move into action mode for our shared vision and plans to become a reality. We know that there is more power in a diverse group taking aligned action, than in taking action individually or taking disjointed actions. In this building block, we test a variety of actions and apply learnings about what works and what doesn’t into the actions we take next.  Prototyping and testing with a systems view gives us the best chance of making innovative ideas a reality. This building block is based on action learning — where experimenting, failing, adapting and starting again are part of the process, and where the courage to try and fail is key.

Experimenting our way forward together

Whether the co-created strategy, roadmap or plan is for five years or for the next few months ahead, if you’ve made it here with some co-created commitments and agreements in place, it’s time to take action. Congratulations are in order! The bonds of partnership and trust have been strengthened; now we need to test them in practice and ensure that they are maintained as we implement our joint commitments.

In this Building Block, stakeholders see their systems leadership capacity being clearly demonstrated through the process of Taking Collaborative Actions using different approaches and learning from results. These same individuals can be seen leading action in their organizations, testing ideas and improving on them. At the same time, there is a sense of individual and collective accountability and monitoring of the work, ensuring that action and commitments are being seen through. This action and reflection cycle is not only more transparent, but it also sparks enthusiasm for sharing and learning because it illuminates the sense of being part of the system as a whole and recognizes the value it provides.



Take Collaborative Action

Backbone Support

1.    A Participatory Monitoring System is established and colleting results

2.    Learning and changes are monitored and tracked using the Signals of Change tool

3.    Accountability is strong, actions are being taken and the effort is adapting where needed

4.    A future collaborative structure is established

5.    Results and changes are communicated in alignment with the communications protocol

Stakeholders Actions

1.    Periodic monitoring and reporting of collaborative actions

2.    Regular communication on progress to stakeholders’ organizations and interested parties

3.    Joint commitments are adapted as needed

4.    Systemic changes are recorded, shared, and celebrated (as they emerge)


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