Making countries and communities resilient to disaster and climate risks
Disaster Risk Reduction and Recovery
Our work in Geneva and beyond
Over the last decade, the frequency, magnitude and impact of natural and man-made adverse events have been on the rise. Risk has become increasingly systemic and multi-dimensional, therefore, integrating risk reduction into development will need to consider multiple and intersecting threats. Risks associated with natural hazards are often overlaid by epidemics, conflict, or economic shocks which can interact and manifest as crises with cascading effects across sectors.
Addressing systemic, multi-dimensional risk and underlying risk drivers requires a holistic, cross-cutting approach. It is a logical and important course of action for a development organization such as UNDP to help countries build the resilience of societies, systems and development assets in view of advancing the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, the Paris Agreement, the Agenda for Humanity and the Sustainable Development Goals.
The overarching frame of UNDP's work on disaster risk reduction (DRR) and recovery is risk-informed development. Through four interconnected workstreams, UNDP’s Disaster Risk Reduction and Recovery for Building Resilience Team (DRT) works towards strengthening resilience and reducing vulnerabilities by increasing risk governance capacity, refining and expanding the understanding of DRR, fostering access to risk information and enhancing prevention, preparedness and recovery processes. UNDP pursues a holistic, conflict sensitive, whole-of-government and society, gender transformative approach that leaves no one behind. The four areas of work comprise:
Integrated Risk Governance: Strengthened disaster and climate risk governance capacities that set incentives for risk reduction and resilience building (Sendai Priority 2)
Climate and Disaster Risk Information: Increased access to and application of climate and disaster risk information to support risk-informed development (Sendai Priority 1)
Sustainable Recovery: Enhanced recovery assessment, planning and preparedness capacities that ensure resilience after disasters (Sendai Priority 4)
Early Warning and Preparedness: Strengthened early warning and preparedness systems and capacities to support early action of affected populations (Sendai Priority 4)
In Geneva, the DRT is engaging with a variety of humanitarian and development partners such as UNDRR, WMO, FAO, OCHA, UN Women and others in policy development and implementation towards achieving the Sendai Framework objectives. The DRT actively participates in the UN Secretary-General’s Early Warnings For All Initiative and the Humanitarian Networks & Partnerships Weeks.
Through risk-informed development, urban resilience, early warning and preparedness, UNDP aims to engage a broader network of stakeholders, representing a range of perspectives at all levels: public and private, formal and informal. The ambition is to entertain transparent dialogues on the trade-offs between decisions on risk-informed versus risk-blind policies and investment, fostering resilience to a range of interconnected shocks and threats.
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