Human Mobility
Leveraging human mobility for sustainable development
Our work in Geneva and beyond
UNDP has human mobility programmes in over 60 countries and territories. UNDP works with national and local governments to address the adverse drivers of irregular migration and forced displacement. Our development solutions aim to strengthen the resilience of migrants, forcibly displaced people and their host communities.
In Geneva, UNDP works under the leadership of the head of recovery solutions and human mobility. As a satellite office, our experts support the bridge between humanitarian actors into development. Examples include with UNHCR and UNDP partnership on the Global Collaboration Framework on Inclusion and Solutions to promote safe and sustainable reintegration.
The Geneva office strategically positions UNDP in multilateral fora on forced displacement; provides technical capacity building to improve displacement data, governance and partnerships in fragile state settings; and creates linkages to address root causes of displacement with development solutions.
In Geneva, UNDP scales up its support to Member States in achieving the objectives of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM), the Global Compact for Refugees (GCR) and the Secretary-General’s Action Agenda on Internal Displacement.
Our work at a glance
UNDP helps countries to address the drivers of irregular and forced migration, meet the needs of migrants, forcibly displaced people and their communities of origin, transit and destination, and expand the benefits of human mobility.


UNDP contributes actively to the United Nations Network on Migration, as well as to the Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD), a consensus-building platform for governments, and to KNOMAD, the Global Knowledge Partnership on Migration and Development, and co-leads the Regional Refugee & Resilience Plan (3RP) with UNHCR and supports other regional platforms.
UN Inter-agency
UNDP Flagship report
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