Fostering Public Dialogue on Freedom of Expression

Discussions on Human Rights and Liberties Continue with EU and UNDP Support

September 29, 2023
Human Rights Talks - Gogi Gvakharia

Human Rights Talks: Freedom of Expression

An engaging and thought-provoking series of public discussions on human rights and liberties returned this September, promising to be an inspiring journey of discourse and reflection throughout 2023. The discussions are supported by the European Union and UNDP, in close partnership with the Union of Tbilisi Museums – Ilia Chavchavadze Literary‐Memorial Museum.

The fifth event of the series, held on 29 September, brought together scholars, journalists, and youth, all convened to explore the challenges faced by modern societies in upholding the fundamental right of freedom of speech and expression.

Gogi Gvakharia, a distinguished art expert, professor at Ilia State University, and highly regarded journalist at Radio Tavisupleba, the Georgian branch of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, delivered the keynote address. His thought-provoking presentation served as a catalyst, sparking a spirited debate on the delicate balance between personal freedoms, fundamental human rights, and societal beliefs. 

Gvakharia's insights captivated his audience, which represented a mosaic of perspectives, from civil society representatives to a group of schoolchildren from the town of Gardabani and Ajara Highlands. This diverse blend of voices underscored the importance of engaging various segments of society in the discourse on human rights.

"The EU is honoured to support Human Rights Talks in Georgia to foster a space for dialogue and understanding. These talks are a way for people to share their ideas, learn from each other, and chart the way toward a more equitable society that cherishes the rights and freedoms of every individual."
Asunción Sánchez Ruiz, Deputy Head of Delegation, Head of Political, Press and Information Section at the Delegation of the European Union to Georgia
"Human Rights Talks provide a platform for an inspiring array of speakers, each offering unique perspectives and valuable life experiences. It’s fascinating to see young people from all over Georgia getting involved. They are our dedicated listeners and active contributors. We hope that this collective dialogue will inspire us all to take action together and build a world where everyone’s rights are protected."
Anna Chernyshova, UNDP Resident Representative a.i. in Georgia

The Human Rights Talks represent a pivotal component of the Human Rights for All initiative, a comprehensive project aimed at empowering Georgia to cultivate a culture of human rights, fortify human rights protections, and address longstanding concerns. This initiative, supported by the European Union, is spearheaded by two UN agencies, UNDP and OHCHR, with over EUR2.5 million in EU funding.

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