Supporting the implementation and monitoring of the national Human Rights Strategy and Action Plan of Georgia

Human Rights for All - Phase 1

Supporting the implementation and monitoring of the national Human Rights Strategy and Action Plan of Georgia

Photo: Vladimir Valishvili/UNDP


Human Rights For All is a joint initiative of the European Union and four UN agencies – United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF)Office of High Commissionaire for Human Rights (OHCHR) and International Labour Organization (ILO), implemented in 2016-2020. 

The programme supported the implementation and monitoring of the National Human Rights Strategy and Action Plan of Georgia in the areas prioritized by the EU-Georgia agreements. This includes the protection of the rights of minorities and vulnerable groups, internal and external oversight of law enforcement, labour rights, protection of privacy, and freedom of expression and information.


  • Promote the National Human Rights Strategy and Action Plan and develop capacities of Inter-Agency Council and its Secretariat in policy making, implementation and monitoring.
  • Promote a culture of human rights in Georgia. Increase public awareness on common values of the European Union and Georgia.
  • Strengthen capacities of the Office of the Personal Data Protection Inspector.
  • Establish and promote effective functioning of institutions and procedures related to labour administration and industrial relations. 
  • Develop national capacities in the areas of childcare and the protection of the poorest children.
  • Strengthen capacities of the Parliamentary Committee on Human Rights and Civil Integration, and the Committee on Legal Issues.
  • Support the establishment of independent and impartial mechanisms to investigate wrongdoings committed by representatives of law-enforcement agencies.


  • Capacities of the Inter-Agency Human Rights Council and its Secretariat strengthened through a series of activities aiming to improve policy making and implementation and monitoring of the National Human Rights Strategy Acton Plan (NHRSAP). This included the adoption of the 2016-2017 and 2018-2020 Action Plans, amendments to the Regulations of the Inter-Agency Council on Human Rights (IACHR), development and implementation of the Guidelines on Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA) for the government agencies, targeted training for the government agencies to increase their capacities in reporting to the International Human Rights Treaties, and some specific activities aiming to improve the protection of the rights of persons with disabilities (PwDs).
  • Capacities of the Georgian Parliament in human rights monitoring and protection increased through the systemic assistance to the Committee on Human Rights and Civil Integration and Committee on Legal Issues. Internal regulations of both committees were amended, and strategic vision documents and 2-year action plans were developed to make their work more efficient, foreseeable and transparent. 
  • Communications capacities of the Human Rights Secretariat under the Administration of the Government of Georgia increased through the targeted training for the staff and launch of the human rights website
  • Capacities of the Personal Data Protection Inspector’s (PDPI) office strengthened through the development of the Institutional Development Plan 2017-2021 and its Action Plan 2017-2018, introduction of the sector-specific guidelines and implementation of the targeted training for the national and local authorities.
  • Public awareness on the National Human Rights Strategy, its Action Plans and implementation increased through the target public awareness and media campaigns in 2016 and 2017. The campaigns were specifically focused on the common values of Georgia and the European Union, including anti-discrimination, tolerance and gender equality.
  • A nationwide survey, Human Rights and Justice in Georgia, was implemented in 2017 to provide a comprehensive analysis of public perceptions and awareness.

EU 4 Georgia - Human Rights 4 All

Contact information

Project address

15a Paliashvili Street
Tbilisi 0179 Tbilisi

Contact persons

Mariam Tutberidze
Project Manager

Gigi Bregadze
UNDP Democratic Governance Team Leader