The Leadership Academy conducts training on leadership and public service

December 12, 2021

Photo: UNDP, 2021

From the 8th to the 10th of November, the Leadership Academy promoted a training in Leadership and Public Service at the National School of Administration (ENA), with 21 participants, namely Ambassadors, Ministers Counselors, First Counselors and Counselors of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation and Communities of Guinea-Bissau.
The opening session was held by Tjark Egenhoff, UNDP Resident Representative, Ude Fati, Secretary of State for International Cooperation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation and Communities, and by Quecoi Sani, representing the Director General of ENA.
“The main idea [of the Leadership Academy] is the renewal of actors who can re-imagine public service and leadership in all sectors of the Guinean society, in order to achieve sustainable development and for the creation of consensus around fundamental issues for the country”, says Tjark Egenhoff.
The Leadership Academy aims to transform Guinea-Bissau by developing a network of leaders who can work together to sustain peace and create a path to long-term inclusive and sustainable development.
An initiative implemented by UNDP, in partnership with ENA, funded by the United Nations Peacebuilding Fund, in the scope of the project Political Stabilization and Reform, through confidence building and inclusive dialogue.