Nexus study to identify needs and investment opportunities in Guinea-Bissau to support a greener post-COVID-19 recovery

December 12, 2021

Photo: UNDP, 2021

UNDP Guinea-Bissau is preparing a national analysis including needs assessment on the food-water-energy-health nexus investment opportunities in Guinea-Bissau in the context of the green recovery after COVID-19. The study’s purpose is to provide scientific evidence to support a more sustainable development policy and to recommend actionable interventions that can contribute to a faster recovery from the economic impacts of the pandemic. 
The study is being carried out by the international development consultancy firm CESO(link is external) from Portugal, supported by local know-how from Expertise SARL. The team holds vast experience in the field of international development, including from previous work in Guinea-Bissau. The team of experts includes national and international consultants based in Bissau and Lisbon who are specialised in the areas of economics, environmental sciences, social sciences, food security and health. 
The work is part of the UNDP Guinea-Bissau’s project “Blue Economy as a Catalyst for Green Recovery(link is external)”, that aims to highlight Guinea-Bissau’s status and potential as a Small Island Developing State (SIDS), and its opportunities to tap into its vast blue economy potential. The study will help UNDP and its development partners to develop about informed policies that promote green economy, with a focus on the positive impact that those policies have on women and youth.
The analysis is conducted in three phases during the period November 2021 to April 2022. A key part of the first phase is to do online consultations with relevant UNDP teams and review existing policy documents and assessments undertaken across the relevant areas, both from national and international sources. An essential objective is to identify interlinkages between nexuses. 

At the same time, the main actors and stakeholders are being identified and a field mission is planned for the end of January 2022. Their contributions and inputs will be sought through face-to-face meetings and other consultations. This will provide a starting point to work on the gap analysis and needs assessments and subsequent phases of work will include identifying the scope of, recommending, and prioritising possible interventions to inform national counterparts, UNDP as well as other development partners.