Photo: UNDP, 2021
On Friday 2nd July, UNDP Guinea-Bissau was invited as a partner to participate in the official launch of the 15th edition of the National School of Volunteerism (NVS) organized by RENAJ. The launch heralds activities, which will be held from 10th to 25th of August 2021 in Cahungo under the theme: Youth and COVID-19: Youth training on the challenges of the new world.
Photo: UNDP, 2021
Young people from several youth organizations/associations attended the launch, which was first initiated in 2006 by the executive management of RENAJ, with the aim to strengthen the technical and intervention capacities of youth associations by enabling them to better define strategies in the implementation of their missions. The NSV therefore serves as a space for reflection on cross-cutting topics of socio-juvenile interest.
The National School of Volunteerism was created to promote, through non-formal education methodologies and by training and capacity building, to encourage youth associations’ greater participation in the challenges of the country’s socio-political and economic transformation, and global sustainability agendas.
The official launch of the fifteenth edition of NVS was marked by three key moments: the opening ceremony to which a representative of the UNDP Country Office was invited to participate as key note speaker, the swearing-in of organizing committee members and the project presentation, which was followed by interactive exchanges.
Since its inception, 4,876 young people have benefited from trainings of National School of Volunteerism. The NSV contributes to the achievement of the specific objective of the Volunteer Project: ‘’Young people are made aware of volunteering as a tool and vehicle for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals’’
The promotion of volunteerism remains an important priority for UNDP to promote peace and sustainable development in Guinea Bissau. UNDP is supporting the implementation of the project: ‘’Enhancing capacities of the National Volunteer Committee of Guinea Bissau for inclusive citizenship, peace and sustainable development.’ Currently a draft law on national volunteerism has been drafted and arrangements are being made by the government for its adoption.