June 24, 2024

Bissau, 24 June 2024 - On 8 June, the first Thematic Djumbais in preparation for the 1st Citizens' Convention took place in different regions of Guinea-Bissau. The action took place simultaneously in the cities of Bissau, Bolama, Buba, Canchungo and Gabú, dedicated to Promoting a Culture of Peace and Human Rights, with a focus on gender issues and inclusion with the aim of leaving no-one behind.
The second Djumbais took place on 15 June, also simultaneously in the five cities of Bissau, Bolama, Buba, Canchungo and Gabú. The central themes were Health; Education; Climate Change and Food Security; and Youth and Employment. During the sessions, work was carried out on the basis of four guidelines, taking into account 1) Solemn Opening; 2) Summary Presentation of Video Reports; 3) Group Work; and 4) Presentation and Discussion of Group Work.
Animated by various civic organisations and with the free participation of more than 250 people who analysed the content produced on the challenges of public governance and oversight of policy management processes, the debates focused on seeking more input from Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) with a view to participating in the 1st Citizens' Convention, scheduled for the first week of July.
The third Thematic Debate sessions will take place next Saturday (22 June) and will be dedicated to three themes: Local Power and Decentralisation; Media and Civic Monitoring; and State Reform.
The Citizens' Convention is promoted by the House of Rights (CdD), the Space for the Coordination of Civil Society Organisations (ES-OSC), the National Civil Society Movement for Peace, Democracy and Development (MNSCPDD) and the Women's Political Platform (PPM), thus representing all Guinean CSOs. This Convention has the technical and financial support of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the Peacebuilding Fund (FCP) through the political stabilisation project and the European Union through the Ianda Guinea! Djuntu action.
The videos and documents associated with each theme are available on the Citizens' Convention website: