Investment case study for air pollution reduction in Amritsar and Gurugram, India

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Investment case study for air pollution reduction in Amritsar and Gurugram, India

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Investment case study for air pollution reduction in Amritsar and Gurugram, India

January 30, 2025

Air pollution accelerates climate change and damages all aspects of planetary health, including food systems and human health. Ambient air pollution (AAP) is of particular concern in India, with pollution exceeding recommended levels. 

Under the EU-UNDP collaborative global project, 'Advancing Health and Environmental Sustainability through Action on Air Pollution', the primary objective is to develop and test a methodology to calculate the health costs of inaction on air pollution related to NCDs and assess the return on investment (RoI) for selected cost-effective and nationally prioritized interventions.

This report summarizes the findings from a comprehensive assessment of the health and economic impacts of ambient air pollution in the Indian cities of Amritsar and Gurugram through ill-health, premature mortality, and reduced workplace productivity.