SDG India Index 2023-2024

SDG India 2023-2024

SDG India Index 2023-2024

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SDG India Index 2023-2024

July 13, 2024

As the most populous country, India will play a leading role in determining the achievement of the SDGs. In recognition of this responsibility, India has actively worked to achieve the 2030 Agenda, aligning itself with the global commitment to sustainable development. The Government of India's commitment to inclusive and sustainable growth is highlighted through its motto 'Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas’. India, with its mission for inclusive and sustainable growth, resonates deeply with the core principle of the SDG framework – “LNOB”.

The first SDG India Index and Dashboard was released in 2018. Since then, it has become an important tool to monitor the progress of States and UTs and instil a spirit of competition. In this fourth edition of the Index for 2023-24, an attempt has been made to further finetune the indicators and align them with the National Indicator framework. Special sections have been added in the Report to cover India’s initiatives regarding SDG localisation, cooperative and competitive federalism, partnerships, SDG financing and South-South cooperation.