Joint project between the DoE, EU and UNDP in Hamoun Area

The European Union (EU) provided EUR 10 million to UNDP to support the restoration of the transboundary Hamoun wetlands at the Iran-Afghanistan border. Photo credit: Mr. Hamed Gholami



Wetlands are disappearing around the world including Iran due to climate change and inefficient water use, particularly in agriculture. Sistan plain including Hamoun wetlands in Sistan and Baluchestan province of Iran is also vulnerable to climate change, especially concerning its impacts on water availability (surface runoffs and underground water storage expected to decrease), increased temperatures and increased hot-spots of sand and dust storms, all of which exacerbate the impacts brought about by the degradation of wetlands. Degrading situation of wetlands in Sistan plain has already had negative consequences for rural livelihoods and exacerbated sand and dust storms due to the dry former lakes and riverbeds. This situation causes displacement of women, men, and children, putting them in situations of increased vulnerability and at risk of poverty.

In order to address the abovementioned challenges, the project will promote integrated natural resource management for the restoration of wetland ecosystems and support alternative livelihoods development of local communities in the Hamoun wetlands. To do so, the project activities are designed to contribute to three main components:

Component 1: Stronger capacities and better coordination;

Component 2: Sustainable land and water management;

Component 3: Climate-smart agriculture and alternative livelihoods.

Key achievements to date:

The project document has been signed between UNDP and the Department of Environment (as implementing partner) on 1st February 2020. The project office has been established in the Department of Environment of Iran and national staff have been recruited.