
TICAD Ministerial Meeting Plenary Session3 “Economy” (Panel Discussion)

2024 TICAD plenary session 3 economy
Event Details

25 8月 2024

August 25th, 2024(Sun), 9:00-11:00 am (JST)/ 3:00-5:00 am (EAT)


Japanese and African start-ups, investors, business companies, international
organizations and experts will discuss issues such as solving Africa's social challenges,
investment in Africa, challenges for collaboration, future developments and expectations
for the development of business environments in African countries.



イベント概要Event Details 


イベントタイトルEvent Title:

TICAD閣僚会合プレナリーセッション3 経済(パネルディスカッション)

TICAD Ministerial Meeting Plenary Session3 “Economy” Sessions (Panel Discussion)


2024年8月25日(日) 9:00-11:00am (JST)/ 3:00-5:00am (EAT)

August 25th, 2024(Sun), 9:00-11:00 am (JST)/ 3:00-5:00 am (EAT) 



English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, and Japanese (Simultaneous interpreter available)


  • 外務省(MOFA)/ Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan (MOFA)
  • 日本貿易振興機構(JETRO)/ Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)
  • 国際協力機構 (JICA)/ Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
  • 国連開発計画 (UNDP)/ United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

オンライン配信Online broadcasting: 




プログラム Programme

9:00 – 9:10

開会挨拶/ Opening Remarks

・外務省Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan(TBC)

・経済産業省Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan(TBC)

・ウィクリフ・ムサリア・ムダバディ氏 ケニア共和国 内閣筆頭長官兼外務・ディアスポラ担当長官

H.E. Dr. Wycliffe Musalia Mudavadi, Prime Cabinet Secretary and Cabinet Secretary for Ministry of Foreign and Diaspora Affairs, Republic of Kenya

9:10 – 10:00

パネルディスカッション①/ Panel①:           


「Solving social problems in Africa through start-ups」 


「Youth, women and African business」


モデレーター Moderator :

・渋澤健氏 経済同友会 中東アフリカ委員会委員長

Mr. Ken SHIBUSAWA Chairperson, Japan-Middle East/Africa Relations Committee, Japan Association of Corporate Executives, DOYUKAI


パネリストPanelist :

・ヤシン・ファル氏 セネガル共和国 アフリカ統合・外務大臣

H.E. Ms. Yassine FALL - Minister of African Integration and Foreign Affairs, Republic of Senegal

・ヤシーン・アルマフディ・ワリード氏 アルジェリア民主人民共和国 知識経済・スタートアップ・零細企業大臣

H.E. Mr. Yacine El-Mahdi OUALID - Minister of Knowledge Economy, Start-ups and Micro-enterprises, People's Democratic Republic of Algeria

・アフナ・エザコンワ UNDP総裁補兼アフリカ局長 

Ms. Ahunna EZIAKONWA - Assistant Administrator and Director of the Regional Bureau for Africa, UNDP

・不破直伸氏 JICA起業家支援・イノベーション推進アドバイザー

Mr. Naonobu FUWA - Entrepreneurs Support and Innovation Promotion Advisor, JICA

・シェルマー・タト氏 ZOIE Health 共同創業者兼CEO

Ms. Thato SCHERMER - Co-Founder and CEO, ZOIE Health

・金子洋介氏 SORA Technology株式会社 創業者兼CEO

Mr. Yosuke KANEKO – Founder and Chief Executive Officer, SORA Technology

山内理希氏 Novastar Ventures ディレクター

Mr. Riki YAMAUCHI - Director, Novastar Ventures

10:00 – 10:50

パネルディスカッション②/ Panel②:


「Developing a sustainable business environment from a company perspective」


モデレーター Moderator :

安藤淳氏 日本経済新聞編集委員

Mr. Kiyoshi ANDO - Senior Staff Writer, Nikkei Inc.


パネリストPanelist :

・ロナルド・ラモラ氏 南アフリカ共和国 国際関係・協力大臣

H.E. Mr. Ronald LAMOLA - Minister of International Relations and Cooperation of the Republic of South Africa

・ベスティンヌ・カザディ・ディタバラ氏 コンゴ民主共和国 外務・国際協力・仏語圏大臣付国際協力・仏語圏担当大臣

H.E. Ms. Bestine KAZADI DITABALA - Minister Delegate attached to Foreign Affairs in charge of International Cooperation and Francophonie of the Democratic Republic of the Congo

・ジョップ ンセレ ハサトゥ氏 アフリカ開発銀行財務担当副総裁兼CFO

Ms. Hassatou DIOP N’SELE - Vice-President for Finance & Chief Financial Officer, Africa Development Bank

・寺島俊吾氏 ヤマハ発動機株式会社新事業開発本部MSB部長

Mr. Shungo TERAJIMA - General Manager, New Business Development Center, Mobility Service Business Division, Yamaha Motor

・オチェ・ジェリー氏Z owasel 創業者 兼 代表取締役

Mr. Jerry OCHE – Founder and CEO, Zowasel

・石橋康大氏 株式会社プログミー創業者兼代表取締役

Mr. Yasuhiro ISHIBASHI - Founder and CEO, Progummy Inc.

・米山玲奈氏 株式会社サムライインキュベートマネージングパートナー(アフリカ)

Ms. Rena YONEYAMA - Managing Partner - Africa, Samurai Incubate Inc.

10:50 – 11:00

閉会挨拶/ Closing Remarks

・アルベルト・M・ムチャンガ氏 アフリカ連合委員会(AUC) 経済開発・貿易・産業・鉱業委員

H. E. Ambassador Albert M. Muchanga – Commissioner for Trade and Industry African Union Commission (AUC)

田中明彦氏 JICA理事長

Mr. Akihiko Tanaka - President, JICA

・石黒憲彦氏 JETRO理事長

Mr. Norihiko Ishiguro – Chairman and CEO, JETRO 

開会挨拶/ Opening Remarks

Hon. Wycliffe Musalia Mudavad

ウィクリフ・ムサリア・ムダバディ氏 ケニア共和国 内閣筆頭長官兼外務・ディアスポラ担当長官

H.E. Dr. Wycliffe Musalia Mudavadi, Prime Cabinet Secretary and Cabinet Secretary for Ministry of Foreign and Diaspora Affairs, Republic of Kenya

Panelist (1)


Ken Shibusawa

渋澤健氏 経済同友会中東・アフリカ委員会委員

Mr. SHIBUSAWA Ken, Chairperson, Japan-Middle East/Africa Relations Committee, Japan Association of Corporate Executives, KEIZAI DOYUKAI


H.E. Ms. Yassine FALL

ヤシン・ファル氏 セネガル共和国 アフリカ統合・外務大臣
H.E. Ms. Yassine FALL - Minister of African Integration and Foreign Affairs, Republic of Senegal
H.E. Ms. Yassine Fall is the Minister of African Integration and Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Senegal since April this year. She is also an economist and prior to her current post, she played prominent roles in United Nations, such as Regional Director of UNIFEM for West and Central Africa and Director of the Economic Division of UN Women.

Mr. Yacine El-Mahdi OUALID

ヤシーン・アルマフディ・ワリード氏 アルジェリア民主人民共和国 知識経済・スタートアップ・零細企業大臣
H.E. Mr. Yacine El-Mahdi OUALID - Minister of Knowledge Economy, Start-ups and Micro-enterprises, People's Democratic Republic of Algeria
H.E. Mr. Yacine El-Mahdi OUALID is the Minister of the Knowledge Economy, Start-ups and Micro-enterprises of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria. Prior to his ministerial role, he also founded a start-up company. He is currently dedicated to improving the business environment and other key areas to ensure that start-ups play a pivotal role in driving economic growth and innovation in Algeria, a nation with immense potential.

Ahunna Eziakonwa

アフナ・エザコンワ氏 UNDP総裁補兼アフリカ局長 
Ms. Ahunna EZIAKONWA - Assistant Administrator and Director of the
Regional Bureau for Africa, UNDP

Ms. Ahunna Eziakonwa is UNDP Assistant Administrator, and Director, Regional Bureau for Africa at the rank of Assistant Secretary General since 2018. Prior to her current post, she worked for civil society organisations in Africa, spent 10 years as UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in Ethiopia, Uganda, and Lesotho.

Huwa Naonobu

不破直伸氏 JICA起業家支援・イノベーション推進アドバイザー
Mr. Naonobu FUWA - Entrepreneurs Support and
Innovation Promotion Advisor, JICA
Mr. Naonobu FUWA joined JICA after working in the capital market of investment banks and as a managing director of tech start-up. After he spent in Uganda and Ethiopia, currently, he is assigned to the Office for Nigerian Digital Innovation (ONDI) to help build the startup ecosystem in Nigeria.

Thato Schermer

シェルマー・タト氏 ZOIE Health共同創業者兼CEO
Ms. Thato SCHERMER - Co-Founder, ZOIE Health
Ms. Thato Schermer is a South African entrepreneur and co-founder and CEO of Zoie Health Technologies since 2020. Under her leadership, Zoie Health has garnered prestigious accolades, being recognized as the SA Startup of the Year. Prior to her current role, she served as a Territory Manager for Uber in South Africa, also held strategic leadership positions at Life Healthcare Group and Discovery Vitality & Card.

Yosuke Kaneko

金子洋介氏 SORA Technology株式会社 創業者兼CEO
Mr. Yosuke KANEKO - CEO, SORA Technology

Mr. Yosuke Kaneko currently serves as the Chief Executive Officer of SORA Technology, a company dedicated to addressing infectious diseases such as malaria through the utilization of drones and image analysis technology. He has previously held positions as a researcher at the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and with one of Japan’s foremost drone manufacturers. Presently, he is actively engaged in efforts to resolve social issues in Africa.

Riki Yamauchi

山内理希氏 Novastar Venturesディレクター
Mr. Riki YAMAUCHI - Director, Novastar Ventures
Riki Yamauchi is currently the Director at Novastar Ventures, one of the earliest institutional Venture Capital on the African continent that has proven to back innovative businesses transforming critical industries. Prior to Novastar Ventures, he has worked for 10 years at Morgan Stanley and JP Morgan, where he managed coverage for Japanese and Global asset managers.

Panelist (2)


Kiyoshi Ando

安藤淳氏 日本経済新聞編集委員
Mr. Kiyoshi ANDO - Senior Staff Writer, Nikkei Inc.

Mr. Kiyoshi ANDO has been a NIKKEI journalist for more than 35 years. He served as a Washington DC correspondent, Paris Bureau Chief and was a member of Editorial Board in Tokyo. Currently, he covers climate change, green tech and biotech innovations among others.



ロナルド・ラモラ氏 南アフリカ共和国 国際関係・協力大臣
H.E. Mr. Ronald LAMOLA - Minister of International Relations and Cooperation of the Republic of South Africa
H.E. Mr. Ronald Lamola is the Minister of International Relation and Cooperation since June 2024. His political career includes holding the position of Minister of Justice and Correctional Services from May 2019 to June 2024, while  serving as a member of the National Assembly since 22 May 2019. 


ベスティンヌ・カザディ・ディタバラ氏 コンゴ民主共和国 外務・国際協力・仏語圏大臣付国際協力・仏語圏担当大臣
H.E. Ms. Bestine KAZADI DITABALA - Minister Delegate attached to Foreign Affairs in charge of International Cooperation and Francophonie of the Democratic Republic of the Congo

H.E.Ms. Bestine Kazadi has been Minister Delegate attached to Foreign Affairs in charge of International Cooperation and Francophonie of the Democratic Republic of the Congo since January 2023. Before taking up this post, she played important roles within the government, notably as Special Adviser to the President on Regional Integration.

Hassatou DIOP N’SELE

ジョップ ンセレ ハサトゥ氏 アフリカ開発銀行 財務担当副総裁兼CFO
Ms. Hassatou DIOP N’SELE - Vice-President for Finance & Chief Financial Officer, Africa Development Bank

Ms. Hassatou Diop N’Sele is the Vice President for Finance and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of the African Development Bank Group since October 2022.  In her role, she is responsible for the mobilization and investment of financial resources for the Bank Group, financial reporting and financial risk management, as well as Client solutions and Syndication.  She previously served as Group Treasurer between 2015 and 2022. 

Shungo Terajima

寺島俊吾氏 ヤマハ発動機株式会社 新事業開発本部MSB部長
Mr. Shungo TERAJIMA - General Manager, New Business Development
Center, Mobility Service Business Division, Yamaha Motor

Mr. Terajima, General Manager of Mobility Service Business Division, Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.
Mobility Service Business is a part of new business development functions of Yamaha Motor and working to create a new business domain in emerging markets including Africa by providing mobility solutions. In Africa they have start-up subsidiaries in 3 countries and venture investments as a minority shareholder in 6 countries. 

Jerry Oche

オチェ・ジェリー氏 Zowasel 創業者兼代表取締役
Mr. Jerry OCHE – Founder and CEO, Zowasel

Mr. Jerry OCHE is the founder and CEO of Zowasel, an agritech company that uses data science, nature-based solutions, and technology to improve farmers' productivity, sustainability, and profitability across value chains. Zowasel operates in Nigeria, Kenya, and Tanzania. Jerry is passionate about entrepreneurship and mentors young African entrepreneurs through many programs, including the Founder Institute and AFD SIBC.

Yasuhiro Ishibashi

石橋康大氏 株式会社プログミー 創業者兼代表取締役
Mr. Yasuhiro ISHIBASHI - Founder and CEO, Progummy Inc.

Mr. Yasuhiro Ishibashi currently serves as the Chief Executive Officer of Purogummy, a company that offers educational programs in programming. A notable feature of these programs is their capability to facilitate real-time network connections and collaboration. His mission is to bridge the gap between learning and enjoyment, revolutionizing coding education to be engaging, inspiring, and collaborative for all.

Rena Yoneyama

米山玲奈氏 株式会社サムライインキュベート マネージングパートナー(アフリカ)
Ms. Rena YONEYAMA - Managing Partner - Africa, Samurai Incubate Inc.
Ms. Rena YONEYAMA is Managing Partner at Samurai Africa Fund, a Tokyo-based venture capital firm that focuses on investing in African startups. Samurai currently manages two funds dedicated to Africa and having invested in 41 companies across 8 countries in total.

閉会挨拶/ Closing Remarks

Albert M. Muchanga

アルベルト・M・ムチャンガ氏 アフリカ連合委員会(AUC) 経済開発・貿易・産業・鉱業委員
H. E. Ambassador Albert M. Muchanga - Commissioner for Economic Development, Trade, Tourism, Industry, and Minerals, AUC

H.E. Albert M. Muchanga, a Zambian national born on May 21, 1959, is the African Union Commissioner for Economic Development, Trade, Tourism, Industry, and Minerals. He has been instrumental in the successful negotiation and launch of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) and has a distinguished career in diplomacy and economic policy, including roles as Zambia's Ambassador to Brazil and Ethiopia, and Deputy Executive Secretary of SADC.

Akihiko Tanaka

田中明彦氏 JICA理事長
Mr. Akihiko Tanaka - President, JICA

Served as a professor at the Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia at the University of Tokyo (1998-2012, 2015-2017), vice president of the University of Tokyo (2009-2012), president of JICA (2012-2015, 2022-), and president of the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (2017-2022)). 

Norihiko Ishiguro

石黒憲彦氏 JETRO理事長
Mr. Norihiko Ishiguro – Chairman, JETRO


Worked for the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) for 35 years from 1980 to 2015 in the policy fields of trade, industry, and energy. From 2016 to 2023, was a member of the management team of NEC Corporation, an ICT company with 3 trillion yen in sales and 110,000 employees. Assumed current position in 2023. 

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