Human Security in a Polarized World - Solidarity in the crisis and for the future -

Event Details

24 6月 2024

15:00 − 17:00

United Nations University – Elizabeth Rose Conference Hall (Tokyo) / Zoom Webinar


In a polarized world with increasing numbers of wars and conflicts, and widening inequalities within and between countries, this event will discuss on criticality of human-centered approach to sustainable development and solidarity around it, based on the recently released the United Nations’ Secretary General’s Report on Human Security and UNDP 2023/24 Human Development Report on breaking the gridlock: reimagining the cooperation in a polarized world

The event will serve as an important contribution leading up to the Summit of the Future to be convened by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres in September for a more inclusive, networked and effective multilateralism, amongst governments, civil society and the private sector, reflecting the realities of today.

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In 1994, UNDP Human Development Report introduced a new concept of human security, which equates security with people rather than territories, with development rather than arms. Subsequently, the UN released the SG Reports on human security in 2010, 2012, and 2014 respectively.  In 2022, UNDP issued a Special Report on Human Security “New threats to human security in the Anthropocene: demanding greater solidarity”, highlighting the centrality of so-called agency, which enables and to be further promoted by solidarity, protection and empowerment.  

In view of the Summit of the Future this September, and the above special report, the United Nations has released the fourth SG’s Report on Human Security this January. The SG’s Report highlights that, in Our Common Agenda  , which is the SG’s vision for the future global cooperation, more unified and bolder actions were called for on critical and interrelated challenges from climate change to digital transformation, pandemics, poverty and inequalities, conflict and violence. A series of policy briefs outlined proposed actions for each of those areas to support Member States to agree on ambitious and decisive action by the Summit of the Future. Human Security and its principles can be an overarching framework across these and other priorities.

April 2024, an informal plenary meeting of the UN General Assembly on Human Security was held in view of intensifying compound crises and reconfirming the importance of human security and human dignity.

In his remarks at the meeting, Secretary-General Guterres stressed the emphasis of the concept of Human Security on people and prevention has an important role to play in strengthening links at the local, national and regional levels, and creating momentum to tackle our shared challenges. He underscored his intention of commissioning his fourth report on Human Security to foster this dynamic and contribute to a safer, more prosperous, more secure world for all.

Approximately 120 countries as well as UN High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries, and Small Island Developing States. In his opening remarks, the Secretary General highlighted that  

“Our world faces very serious challenges. Conflicts, the climate emergency, and a global cost-of-living crises are combining to reverse decades of development gains. Many countries are struggling to implement the 2030 Agenda. Deepening divisions and growing inequalities are leaving people with a heightened sense of anxiety and fear.”  

In this world with increasingly complex and compound crises, human security lens is useful for understanding underlying causes of threats and formulating peacebuilding strategies, and for creating new social contracts and human rights demands based on equity and inclusiveness.  

This public event in Japan will complement other UN initiatives and advocacy for human security, to discuss human security and how to enhance positive interdependence and collective actions based on the SG’s report above, as well as with the recent data and statistics from the 2023/2024 HDR.  


Date: 15:00-17:00, 24 June 2024 (JST)

Format: Hybrid

Venue: UNU Headquarters - Elizabeth Rose Conference Hall (Tokyo) / Zoom Webinar

Language: Japanese / English (simultaneous interpretation available)

Co-Organizers:United Nations Development Programme(UNDP), Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan

Support: United Nations Information Centre (UNIC)


Agenda (tentative)

MC by Ms. Kaoru Nemoto, Director, UN Information Centre   

Opening remarks by Haoliang Xu, UN Under-Secretary-General/UNDP Associate Administrator  

Statement by 

  • H.E. Mr. Keizo Takemi, Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare / Member of the House of Councillors
  • H.E. Mr. Yasushi Hosaka, Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs / Member of the House of Representatives

Keynote speeches by

  • Amb. Yukio Takasu, Special Adviser to UN Secretary-General on Human Security
  • Dr. Pedro Conceição, Director, Human Development Report Office, UNDP

Panel discussions, followed by open discussions   

Moderated by Hideko Hadzialic, Director, UNDP Representation Office in Tokyo   


  • H.E. Mr. Sidya EL HADJ, Ambassador, the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, Chair of Africa Union   
  • H.E. Mr. Jean-Eric Maurice PAQUET, Ambassador, the European Union 
  • Ms. Sachiko Imoto, Senior Vice President, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) 
  • Dr. Pedro Conceição, Director, Human Development Report Office, UNDP
  • Ms. Ayako Takao, Climate Youth Japan

Closing remarks and ways forward by Mr. Takeshi Akahori, Ambassador, Assistant Minister (Director-General) for Global Issues, MOFA