The SO-JUST Project
Call for Proposals from Civil Society Organizations-Open Call
The SO-JUST Project is a seven-year social justice reform initiative funded by the Government of Canada and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme, in partnership with the Government of Jamaica and civil society partners. The project aims to use an equitable human rights and gender responsive approach, targeting systemic change within the processes of the Ministry of Justice, its departments and agencies, the Courts, the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions and other state and non-state partners to improve social justice in Jamaica. The project aims to increase access to justice for vulnerable and disadvantaged groups and strengthen the capacity of the justice system to implement gender-responsive social justice policies and programmes. It reflects and integrates the four pillars of social justice, which are equity, access, participation, and rights, and adopts a gender-responsive approach.
The SO-JUST project calls for proposals from qualified Civil Society Organizations (CSO) to develop and implement develop and pilot a range of training materials for gender mainstreaming training and social context sensitisation in Jamaica’s justice sector and build capacity among a cohort of trainers.
This Call for Proposals falls under Output 2: Strengthened Legislative, Policy and Institutional Framework for Gender Responsive Justice Services and Support Systems which seeks to increase access to justice for vulnerable and disadvantaged groups and strengthen the capacity of the justice system to implement gender-responsive social justice policies and programmes.
CSOs, including those representing youth and groups facing multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination, are crucial actors that drive progress on efforts to increase equitable access to justice at the community level.
Please email procurement.jamaica@undp.org to request further information.
DEADLINE FOR CONCEPT NOTE SUBMISSION IS: Friday 12 July 2024 @ 11:59 p.m. (Jamaica Time)