ANIMATED VIDEO - Summary of Findings (Who is Really Vulnerable in Jamaica)
Docu-feature - Hear from people on the frontlines of COVID Impact in the 3 most vulnerable parishes
· Showcasing the powerful utility of the Multidimensional Vulnerability Index
A two-part video series entitled 'Who Is Really Vulnerable in Jamaica' debuted on 5 April at the virtual Caribbean Regional Risk Conference and on UNDP Multi Country in Jamaica's social media platforms.
Produced by the UNDP Multi Country Office in Jamaica, the series underscores the importance of identifying, understanding and targeting vulnerabilities to crisis, using a Multidimensional Vulnerability Index (MVI).
The video productions focus on Jamaica’s vulnerabilities to COVID-19 as uncovered by a UNDP-financed study - Socio-Economic Impact Assessment of COVID-19 and Policy Options in Jamaica. The study employs the MVI to analyse the ways in which Jamaica's parishes, sectors and population groups are vulnerable to COVID-19. The study offered a number of targeted policy prescriptions based on the in-depth assessments.
A four-minute animated video summarizes key highlights of the COVID Impact Study while the 12-minute documentary series took cameras into the three parishes identified as most vulnerable to talk to persons from the most impacted population groups. The documentary humanizes the data generated by the report.
The MVI has also been employed by UNDP to assess COVID impact in Belize, and to assess COVID and hurricane impact on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in The Bahamas.