The SO-JUST Project Call for Proposals from Civil Society Organizations and Academic Institutions
The SO-JUST Project is a seven-year social justice reform initiative funded by the Government of Canada and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme, in partnership with the Government of Jamaica and civil society partners. The project aims to use an equitable human rights and gender responsive approach, targeting systemic change within the processes of the Ministry of Justice, its departments and agencies, the Courts, the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions and other state and non-state partners to improve social justice in Jamaica. The project aims to increase access to justice for vulnerable and disadvantaged groups and strengthen the capacity of the justice system to implement gender-responsive social justice policies and programmes. It reflects and integrates the four pillars of social justice, which are equity, access, participation, and rights, and adopts a gender-responsive approach.
The SO-JUST project calls for proposals from qualified Civil Society Organizations (CSO) or Academic Institutions to plan, coordinate and implement a national social justice knowledge-sharing conference and a symposium. The grant shall cover the implementation of two events, with the following objectives:
(a) To plan, coordinate and implement a national Social Justice Conference under the theme “Improving Access to Justice for Persons with Disabilities”. This event shall include provision for both:
a. Public dialogue or open sessions, involving a wide range of participants and perspectives.
b. Invitation-only Practitioners’ Workshops in which key issues are discussed and solutions proposed by selected sector experts and justice personnel.
(b) To plan, coordinate and implement a Symposium on Women and the Law, showcasing a wide range of services and legislative provisions available to empower women, with a special emphasis on empowering survivors of gender-based violence.
(c) To produce and assist in the dissemination of evidence-based and stakeholder informed knowledge products that capture the priority issues, innovations, recommendations and ideas showcased in both events.
This Call for Proposals falls under Output 5: Gender Responsive Justice Education, Information and Communication which seeks to increase access to justice information for vulnerable and disadvantaged groups.
Please email procurement.jamaica@undp.org for further information and for concept note submissions
Monday, 13 May 2024 @ 11:59 p.m. (Jamaica Time)