Monday, 18 September 2023, 10:00 a.m.
Richard Amenyah, Director, UNAIDS
Kenneth Williams, Programme Management Specialist; USAID/ Jamaica
Karin Santi (Joining Virtually); Regional Team Lead HIV & Health, UNDP
Heads and other Colleagues from Civil Society Organizations in Jamaica
Good Morning
A warm welcome to everyone gathered here today virtually and in person- to launch the National LGBT Survey Report for Jamaica. Today’s launch has been made possible through the USAID-funded Being LGBTI in the Caribbean (BLIC) Project which is implemented by UNDP in four (4) Caribbean countries.
One of the objectives of the BLIC project is to facilitate an open dialogue, promote social acceptance, and contribute to policy reform that protects the rights of LGBTI individuals. To achieve this objective credible data to inform decision makers is critical.
The National LGBT Survey Report provides rich data based onthe lived experiences of the LGBT community across several dimensions ranging from healthcare and education to access to justice and employment. Developed in collaboration with the MOBAK Consultancy Firm, the report will serve as a vital tool to help identify gaps, address challenges, and shape evidence-based policies and programs that foster equality and inclusion for all Jamaicans – leaving no one behind.
The survey's results will be instrumental in guiding our collective efforts to create an enabling environment that upholds people centric development, social justice, and dignity for all.
On the behalf of our Resident Representative, I would like to express UNDP’s sincere appreciation to the participants of the Survey who have shared their stories, their hopes, and their struggles with us. Your voices are crucial in shaping a future where diversity is respected and all Jamaicans can live free from fear of discrimination and violence.
It is through our collective action and collaboration that we can drive positive change, dismantle barriers, and build a society that is fair, equitable, and just for all. UNDP stand united with all our partners who are dedicated to inclusive development which recognizes and respects the inherent worth and dignity of every human being.
In closing, I leave you to consider the words of the Dali Lama: “Inclusion and tolerance of others does not weaken us but makes us stronger.”
Thank you.
The report will serve as a vital tool to help identify gaps, address challenges, and shape evidence-based policies and programs that foster equality and inclusion for all Jamaicans – leaving no one behind.Denise E Antonio, UNDP Resident Representative