2021 Partner Agency Satisfaction Survey
The Junior Professional Officer (JPO) and Specialist Development Programme (SDP) are young talent programmes and have specific application requirements related to: nationality, age, type of diploma and years of experience.
All new vacancies for Junior Professional Officer (JPO) and Specialist Development Programme (SDP) positions advertised by the UNDP JPO Service Centre are posted on this page.
The "Cover letter" is an opportunity for you to highlight what you think are your most relevant qualifications for the particular position(s) you are interested in.
UNDP is nourishing the soil for stronger future impact through the fostering of Young Talent Programmes. UNDP is embarking on the vision to engage them in a transformative Formation Journey which fertilizes their discovery at both the personal and professional level.
If you are a current or former JPO explore here the different possibilities to network and join our alumni association.
To evaluate the needs and expectations of our programme participants, partner countries and partner UN organizations with regards to the JPOSC-managed Programmes, the JPO Service Centre conducts different yearly client-oriented surveys
The following countries currently participate in Talent Programmes managed by the UNDP JPO Service Centre.
These programmes aim to build the capacity of the global development sector, while providing UNDP and other UN organizations with young talent with promising professional development.
Partner countries can access and earmark JPO job descriptions from the above UN organizations through the JPOSC online request system.
The UNDP JPO Service Centre administers JPO Programmes (in full or in part, as the case may be) of the some UN organizations/funds/offices.
By outsourcing the administration of their JPOs to the JPOSC, UN organizations gain time and efficiency, allowing them to focus on more strategic activities, such as resource mobilization, partner relationships and talent management.
For UNDP, the JPOSC acts as a one-stop shop for all activities related to the JPO and SDP Programmes, such as partner and client relations, financial and HR management, recruitment, career and learning support.
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Get in touch, share your ideas, and discover how we can work together for a sustainable, just, and equitable future.
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