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Human Resources - Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

For your JPO/SDP assignment

Throughout your JPO/SDP assignment, you will encounter milestones and situations where it is natural that questions will arise on entitlements, eligibility and procedures. This page is a collection of the most common issues which you may encounter, and hopefully, you will be able to find the answer to your queries here.

Additionally, you are as always welcome to contact your HRA in TAPP/JPOSC directly for any further clarifications you may need.

General introduction to monetized entitlement travel (hire, reassignment, separation, travel to join):

In UNDP, Appointment travel, Reassignment travel, Home Leave in conjunction with Reassignment, Travel to Join, and Separation travel are paid as lump sum payments (monetized) based on a 75% of a travel quote for an unrestricted fare. The payment will also include terminal expenses and universal stop over DSA, if applicable. The payment will be made in advance of travel and when paid a lump sum, staff members are responsible for arranging their own travel.

Initial Appointment Travel

Travel to Join

Travel to join is a separate payment made when any eligible dependents are travelling independently from yourself following your own initial appointment or reassignment travel to duty station.


Reassignment Travel

Home Leave

The purpose of the Home Leave (HL) travel entitlement is to allow eligible staff members periodic visits to their home country to renew and strengthen cultural and family ties. 

HL does not carry any extra entitlement to days of leave beyond the normal annual leave entitlement. 

The time spent on HL is normally charged against the staff member’s normal annual leave entitlement. Absence and approval of HL is subject to the exigencies of service, as determined and approved by the staff member’s supervisor.

Dependency Status/Dependency Allowances

Dependency allowance consists of the following categories:

  • Spouse Allowance
  • Child Allowance
  • Single Parent Allowance
  • Secondary Dependency Allowance

The purpose of the dependency allowances is to provide financial support to staff members that have a dependent spouse, child(ren) or secondary dependent. The allowances are paid on a monthly basis through payroll/together with salary as an additional remuneration component.

Contract Extension and Funding

General Introduction

All JPOs get a Letter of Appointment (contract) for the duration of one year upon initial appointment. Subsequently contract extensions are subject to satisfactory performance and donor confirmation on availability of funds. Beyond the second year of assignment, different conditions apply depending on the donor policies, as well as priorities and budget availability in the hiring unit, of needed for example through a co-funded arrangement. 

Here you can read more about who is responsible and when the process will be initiated for each year of extension.

2nd year extension

3rd year extension


4th year extension

Reassignment for career purpose in 3rd year

A JPO normally serves in the same job for the full duration of his or her JPO assignment. 

However, JPOs of Partner Countries that fund assignments of three years or more may be exceptionally considered for a reassignment to another job which may be in a different duty station, unit or bureau. A reassignment will without exclusion be conditioned upon the pre-approval from the funding government.

A reassignment may support professional growth and career development and expand the network of the JPO. A reassignment from a country office to regional centre/headquarters location or vice versa, or a reassignment from one region to another region offers JPOs broader exposure. 

A reassignment proposal should be supplemented with a business case within which it will be considered, hereunder the possible future retention within the receiving office, and the ability of receiving office to support the reassignment and career progression (supervision and possible cost-sharing).

This FAQ is not applicable for reassignments for compelling reasons, e.g. security and health matters which may occur for any staff at any point in time, regardless of Partner Country and subject to exigencies of service.

Separation from service for JPOs and SDPs

A separation means that you will be ending your contract with the organization and your JPO assignment will come to an end. This will require various different administrative /HR procedures to facilitate your off-boarding.