Africa Center of Competence for Digital and Artificial Intelligence Skilling

Empowering Africa's Digital Revolution

October 8, 2024
Africa Center of Competence for Digital and Artificial Intelligence Skilling

By David Ombee


In today’s fast-evolving digital landscape, the public sector must not only adapt but actively innovate to meet the growing needs of citizens. To spearhead this transformation, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is together with the Government of Kenya and Microsoft establishing the Africa Centre of Competence for Digital and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Skilling. Hosted at the Kenya School of Government in Nairobi, Kenya, this Centre will serve as an incubator for public sector innovation, leveraging digital and AI technologies to transform service delivery across Africa. Using a hub-and-spokes model, the Centre will extend its impact beyond Kenya, reaching other regions across the continent to drive digital transformation through public sector digital upskilling.

Building on Global Experience: Insights from Bangladesh
The Africa Centre of Competence for Digital and Artificial Intelligence Skilling draws on global successes to shape its approach. One of the key models inspiring the Centre is the Bangladesh a2i (Aspire to Innovate) initiative. Established as part of the Digital Bangladesh agenda, a2i was incubated in the Prime Minister's Office for over a decade as a whole-of-government innovation catalyst. With support from UNDP, a2i embedded digital innovation across 60 ministries, 400 departments, 64 districts, and over 5,000 local government institutions, revolutionizing the civil service mindset and setting a new standard for digital governance. Kenya’s Centre will build on these experiences, adapting them to Africa's unique context to future-proof the public sector and promote innovation in governance.

A Vision for a Digitally Driven Future
The Centre is more than just a training facility; it serves as a hub for driving innovation and enhancing the digital-and AI competencies, capacities, and mindsets of civil servants across Kenya and Africa. The goal is to equip public sector employees with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in a digital environment, drive innovation, and enhance public service delivery to propel Africa's digital transformation agenda.

Aligned with the Kenya National Digital Master Plan 2022-2032, which seeks to advance digital literacy among 300,000 public servants, the Centre will play a crucial role in achieving this target. Tailored training programs will cover key areas such as systems thinking, human-centered problem solving, and strategic foresight, helping public servants anticipate future challenges and craft innovative solutions. 

Partnerships Driving Digital Innovation 
At the heart of the Centre's success are its partnerships and collaborations.  The Government of Kenya is at the helm, driving the Centre's strategic leadership and ensuring alignment with national and regional goals, whereas global technology leaders, including Microsoft and Google, are contributing cutting-edge expertise and resources to ensure the Centre stays at the forefront of digital and AI advancements. Through these collaborative workstreams and partnerships, the Centre fosters a powerful ecosystem able to drive public sector innovation and digital transformation across Africa. 

Innovation at the Core: The Public Sector Innovation Fund
One of the Centre’s most exciting features is the proposed Public Sector Innovation Fund, which will provide micro-grants to encourage public servants to apply their newfound digital skills to real-world problems. This fund will empower civil servants to design and implement innovative digital solutions tailored to their sectors’ unique challenges.

This focus on innovation is essential to fostering a culture of continuous improvement within the public sector. By creating an environment where new ideas are encouraged and tested, the Centre will help build a more dynamic and responsive government that can better meet the needs of citizens.

Aligning with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
The Centre’s mission goes beyond digital skills development. It is aligned with several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including quality education (SDG 4), decent work and economic growth (SDG 8), and reduced inequalities (SDG 10). By building the capacity of public servants, the Centre contributes to Kenya’s broader efforts to meet these global objectives, ensuring inclusive and sustainable development.

Looking Ahead: Leading Africa’s Digital Transformation
As the Centre prepares to welcome its first cohorts of public servants, there is a growing sense of anticipation and excitement. This initiative marks a significant milestone in Kenya’s digital transformation journey—one with far-reaching impacts on governance, service delivery, and economic development. It signifies a shift towards a more digitally savvy, innovative, and responsive public sector.

The Africa Centre of Competence for Digital and Artificial Intelligence Skilling stands as a testament to what can be achieved when governments, international organizations, and the private sector collaborate with a shared vision for the future. The Africa Centre of Competence stands as a beacon of hope and progress, leading Africa into an exciting future where technology drives public service innovation and an inclusive digital transformation.

About the author

David Ombee is a Project Communications Officer at UNDP Kenya.