Assessment of Development Results Kenya 2014
Assessment of Development Results Kenya 2014
January 26, 2015
The Independent Evaluation Office of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) conducted a country-level evaluation in Kenya. The Assessment of Development Results (ADR) attempts to capture and demonstrate evaluative evidence of UNDP contribution to development results at the country level. This ADR examined UNDP Kenya’s country programme for the period between 2009 and 2013. The objectives of the ADR were to:
Provide substantive support to the UNDP Administrator’s accountability function in reporting to the Executive Board.
Support greater UNDP accountability to national stakeholders and partners in the programme country.
Serve as a means of quality assurance for UNDP interventions at the country level.
Contribute to learning at country, regional and corporate levels.
This was the first ADR conducted in Kenya. It was carried out in 2013 in collaboration with the Government of Kenya, UNDP Kenya Country Office and the Regional Bureau for Africa (RBA). The ADR examined the country programme for the period between 2009 and 2013, including projects that were carried over from the previous programme cycle. It addressed two issues. First, UNDP’s contribution to develop- ment results by programme outcome examined the performance of each of the programme portfolios with respect to relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability. Second, UNDP’s strategic position in the country was examined from three aspects: UNDP’s overall responsiveness and relevance to meeting the development equity, human rights, capacity-building and South-South cooperation.