UNDP Kenya in Focus

Our Work

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UNDP Kenya in Focus

March 8, 2017

The publication focuses on UNDP Kenya work looking at our programmes which are designed to address the interlinked issues of poverty, inequality and exclusion towards achieving sustainable and inclusive economic growth. Its engagement is as a result of a process of broad consultations with stakeholders including the Government, civil society organizations, independent bodies, development partners and other UN agencies.

UNDP programmes are demand driven and are developed to respond to national priorities as identified under Kenya’s development blueprint the Vision 2030, the Medium Terms Plans. It operates projects under the umbrella of four strategic programme priority areas namely: a) Devolution and accountability b) Productive sectors and trade c) Environmental sustainability, renewable energy and sustainable land management and d) Community security, cohesion and resilience.

UNDP played a central role in devising, promoting and helping countries to achieve the Millennium Development Goals and is now working with its national partners to integrate the Sustainable Development Goals into national development planning