Open Call for Startups in the Creative Industries – Apply Now!

September 20, 2024
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The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Kosovo launched the Challenge for Creative Minds, an open call for innovative ideas aimed at supporting startups in the creative industries.

Recognising the role of Creative Industries (CIs) in sustainable economic development globally, this challenge aims to harness an expanding pool of creative talent to build a dynamic and innovative creative sector. The initiative focuses on enhancing skills for entrepreneurship and self-employment while strengthening partnerships between academia and the private sector, ultimately generating greater opportunities for the growth of Kosovo’s creative economy.

Innovation Unleashed: A Challenge for Creative Minds invites all start-ups in the creative sector to submit innovative solutions that demonstrate a strong potential for impact and scalability, whether through the introduction of novel technologies, unique business models, or creative approaches that contribute to sustainable development.

Selected proposals will receive mentoring, guidance, and financial support of up to EUR 10,000, helping them to move from idea to prototype, and from prototype to a minimum viable product (MVP).

The deadline for submissions is 09 October 2024. For more information and to apply, click here.

This initiative is among the first to prioritize creative industries as a key driver of economic growth. It aims to bring together institutional stakeholders, civil society, and the private sector to support Kosovo’s micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises in the creative sector.

Innovation Unleashed: A Challenge for Creative Minds is part of the Creative Industries project, supported by the Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, and implemented in collaboration with the Ministry of Industry, Entrepreneurship, and Trade (MIET), Ministry of Culture, Youth, and Sport (MCYS), and Ministry of Education, Science, Technology, and Innovation (MESTI).

For more information, please contact:

Burbuqe Dobranja, UNDP Communications Associate 
Phone: (038) 249 066 ext. 410;   mobile: 049 720 800      e-mail:

Danijela Mitić, Communications Associate UNDP 
Phone: (038) 249 066 ext. 412;    mobile: 049 720 824     e-mail:

This year we mark the 25th anniversary of our work in Kosovo. Over the past quarter-century, UNDP has supported Kosovo’s efforts to achieve the Millennium and the Sustainable Development Goals. We will continue to work alongside institutions and the people of Kosovo to Leave No One Behind and achieve a better future for all.

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