Support to Strengthening the Rule of Law in Kosovo

Project Summary

Strengthening the rule of law, and access to justice remains a central priority for Kosovo. UNDP’s Support to Strengthening the Rule of Law in Kosovo project works towards an independent, accountable and effective justice system, which promotes human rights standards and ensures access to justice for all. The project’s assistance focuses in supporting justice institutions in policy drafting, capacity development, inter-institutional coordination, and improving justice service delivery.

What we want to achieve

· Justice institutional reforms are implemented resulting in a more efficient and effective performance;

· Access to justice for all is improved, regardless of gender, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status.

Results to date

· 9 regulations and administrative instructions of the Kosovo Judicial Council (KJC) and the Kosovo Prosecutorial Council (KPC) drafted;

· Standardized and updated KPC’s forms of communication with the media and communication with the public contributing to greater judicial transparency;

· Upgraded the E-learning tool of Academy of Justice which benefited 357 judges, prosecutors, and administrative staff;

· Improved judicial practices of the first instance Courts through the Bulletin for Case Law, while 200 judges, prosecutors, and mediators increased their capacities on the new Law on Mediation, and the Juvenile Justice Code;

· Supported the Courts and Prosecution Offices to refer 2,012 cases for mediation procedure (675 more than in 2018) through capacity development and outreach activities;

· 150 judges, prosecutors and, administrative staff strengthened their capacities on case management, drafting of legal opinions, and on the ECHR;

· A Human Rights database established which includes all local human rights acts and laws, international human rights instruments applied in Kosovo, and related SDGs, contributing to the quality of justice;

· 100 health care providers trained on the referrals of GBV cases and on the implementation of the SOP for GBV;

· 1,000 citizens increased their awareness and knowledge on legal aid;

· 210 people from marginalized groups benefited from legal aid services through legal aid mobile clinics in four municipalities;

· Contributed in the backlog reduction by 18% of civil and criminal cases from the Basic Court of Pristina, and Court of Appeal;

· Improved people’s access to justice and language rights through provision of translation support in the Basic Courts. 





Kosovo wide


Legal actors (judges, prosecutors, judicial professional staff), justice policy makers, Ombudsperson, legal aid providers, mediators, CSOs, youth, the general population


Kosovo Judicial Council, Kosovo Prosecutorial Council, Ministry of Justice, Academy of Justice, Ombudsperson Institution, courts, Agency for Free Legal Aid, University of Prishtina/Faculty of law, CSOs.


2019 - 2022

Project Budget:



UNDP Global Programme for Justice, Security and Human Rights (BPPS) Global Focal Point (GFP) Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Marta K. Gazideda
Governance and Peacebuilding Portfolio Manager/Deputy Programme Coordinator
Tel: +383 38 249 066; 
Mob: +383 49 785 895

Ardian Latifaj
Project Manager
+381 38 249 066 (ext. 307)