Resident Representative Nuno Queirós Presents UNDP Economic Resilience Programme

May 27, 2024

Honorable Minister Hajdari,

Honorable Minister Peci,

Honorable Minister Rasic,

Honorable Mayor Totaj,

Mister Dalipi,

Distinguished Guests,

Ladies and Gentlemen.
It is an absolute pleasure for me to be here today and welcome you to the launching of UNDP’s Economic Resilience Program, but more importantly the launch of a new suite of tools and methodologies which we hope will support the growth of business, producers and farmers alike.

Why, may you ask, is it important to launch this Programme and present this suite of tools and methodologies?

Because for all of the significant progress that Kosovo has made, it still faces challenges in achieving sustainable economic growth and improved livelihoods. 
As a middle-income economy, enabling a resilient private sector presents the core of its economic strategy, aiming to enhance competitiveness, foster innovation, and create jobs that can drive long-term prosperity. This is also the path towards reducing the unemployment rate in Kosovo, currently at 12%.

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) form the backbone of Kosovo’s economy, accounting for over 99% of all businesses and employing around 75% of the workforce. They also contribute significantly to economic development and innovation. But for SMEs work is still needed, including more access to markets, continuing to provide adequate and enabling infrastructure and technology, as well as empower more of the workforce with the skills that can contribute to private sector development.

Agriculture, on the other hand, is a vital sector in Kosovo, with approximately 25% of the population engaged in farming activities. The agricultural sector contributes with around 10% of Kosovo's GDP. Yet, many farmers operate on a subsistence level and lack access to modern agricultural technologies and markets.

These are the reasons we are here today. Because this Programme reflects our dedication to promote sustainable development, and empower micro and small businesses, producers, farmers, and all actors in distinct value chains that are the drivers of Kosovo’s economy.

What will be presented to you in a little bit, is of particular importance to me on a personal level as I have implemented, promoted, and seen the impact of these tools over the last ten years and across many countries.

I have seen countless beneficiaries, from single mother business owners to family-based farmers, truly acknowledge their role as private sector, increase their income, and employ more people. I have seen how these tools transform people’s lives.

UNDP’s business development tools are anchored around three distinct methodologies.

First, we have In Motion, which is a tool that supports micro and small businesses improve competitiveness, through upgrading their traditional business models and enhancing their commercial capacities.

Second, Growing With Your Business is a business support tool whose main objective is to improve SMEs' financial, administrative, and productive conditions, upgrading them to have the capacities to establish long-term supply relationships, thus ensuring their sustainability, market expansion, and profitability.

Third and final, we have the Supplier’s Development Programme which strengthens local value chains through optimizing business performance & creating win-win relations among companies in these chains.

The new tools present opportunities for Kosovo’s micro and small businesses, producers, and farmers to grow and become competitive in their respective markets. They will provide tailored assistance to guide them in their effort for transformation.

The application of these business development tools has proven to be successful in many other countries around the world, including Mexico, Pakistan, Colombia, Botswana, El Salvador, Haiti, Ecuador, Cuba and Albania, just to name a few. We are therefore continuously building on top of previous experiences and improving our approach in each new context in which the tools are applied.

One of the best evidences of this is that we are joined for this event by experts from UNDP’s Regional Center in Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as colleagues from UNDP Albania with whom I had the pleasure to work for four years and where we first introduced these tools in the Western Balkans. Their presence highlights the international nature of these tools and emphasizes UNDP’s dedication to Kosovo’s economic development and the collaborative spirit vital for the success of such an initiatives.

In Kosovo, we plan to work on these tools with different ministries and pilot them in different municipalities, building on past UNDP work with the private sector as well as central and local government. This is why I am very thankful for the words that we will hear today from the Ministers whose focus is on Industry, Entrepreneurship and Trade; Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development; and Communities and Returns. I am also very thankful for the presence of Mayor Totaj. Prizren is the municipality where we will have the first pilot of our In Motion and where we aim to change the future of 20 businesses.

I am very thankful to the many representatives of different ministries, municipalities, bilateral partners and private sector present here today and their interest in learning more about these economic development and resilience tools. I extend an invitation to all of you to be our partners and joining us in this transformative journey.

Today marks the beginning of a promising new chapter that we aim to add to the book that reflects Kosovo's economic development story.

As we move forward, let's carry the spirit of innovation and collaboration we are celebrating today into every facet of our work. Let’s jointly expand this initiative to include more communities, drive broader economic growth and sustainable development across Kosovo with the aim I am sure we all have to impact the lives of its people.

We can all be essential contributors to a shared journey for a more competitive, inclusive, and resilient Kosovo.

Thank you.