July 30, 2024
a banana tree with green leaves

Kosovo and the rest of the Western Balkans are considered a hotspot of climate change impact, with increases in forest fires, droughts, soil erosion and flooding. At the same time, in Kosovo, there still exist complex social dynamics, derived from the conflict which took place over twenty years ago, with ethnically diverse communities still dealing with its legacy and the gap between them has not reduced at the desired pace.

To ensure climate action is peace-positive and reaches communities affected the most, the project proposes supporting farmers in both majority Albanian and Serb municipalities through capacity building for farmers that advance climate mitigation and adaptation, fostering inter-ethnic dialogue through promoting economic security and advancing access to funding. The project supported implementing pilot activities to accelerate peacebuilding through strengthening the local communities by fostering the adaptation of agricultural systems to the impacts of climate change. The activities are implemented by UNDP Kosovo in close collaboration with UNDP Istanbul Regional Hub, with funding from SIDA. 

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