What we do

On the ground in Kosovo since 1999, the United Nations Development Programme has earned a reputation as an independent and experienced partner in the areas of governance and peacebuilding, inclusive growth and climate resilience, and gender equality.

Our Impact


young women

Since 2005, over 17,000 young women and men have benefitted from active labor market measures through on-the-job training, wage subsidy, as well as grants and advisory services to foster self-employment opportunities.



The solar panels installed at our premises will produce around 24% of our total electricity demand, saving approximately 36 tons of CO2 emissions per year and reducing UNDP Kosovo CO’s carbon footprint.


illegal weapons

UNDP contributed to security and safety of all its residents by destroying more than 10,000 illegal weapons and about 60,000 pieces of ammunitions of various calibers.



Throughout 20 years of Public Pulse, we interviewed over 63,798 people on their perceptions on economic, social and political situation in Kosovo and published 29 Kosovo Early Warning Reports, 21 Public Pulse Briefs, and 9 Public Pulse Analyses, in English, Albanian and Serbian.