Institutional Capacity Development for Implementation of the Kuwait National Development Plan (ICDI/KNDP)
leadership training phase 2
Project Overview
In September 2011, UNDP signed a project agreement with the General Secretariat of the Supreme Council for Planning and Development (GSSCPD), for UNDP to provide technical experts to contribute to the development of the first five years of the Kuwait National Development Plan (KNDP) 2011-2015. The second KNDP, spanning 2015-2020, was approved by Kuwait’s National Assembly in 2015, and is built on two tracks, namely: addressing the challenges of economic, human and social development, the efficiency of state institutions and administration, and combating corruption; and assessing the enabling conditions required to achieve the “Kuwait 2035 Vision,” especially for the transformation of the country into a commercial and financial hub for the region.
UNDP continues to support the GSSCPD in the development and implementation of this plan, through the new project document ICDI/KNDP for “Institutional Capacity Development for Implementation of the Kuwait National Development Plan.” This project focuses on the technical expertise and the support needed for capacity development as well as knowledge and skill transfer. The expected outcome of this project, which commenced in July 2015, is the development of the capacities of the GSSCPD and key government agencies in the development and planning, coordination, and monitoring for effective implementation of the KNDP. This includes the following outcomes:
1. Improved human capacity and organisational effectiveness of the GSSCPD for development planning,
2. Enhanced institutional and human capacity of the Central Statistics Bureau (CSB) for sustainable development policies, and
3. Increased technical expertise and institutional capacities of public entities for strategic planning and implementation of KNDP projects
Project Highlights
• Finalisation of a strategic plan articulating “Kuwait vision 2013,” including the implementation action plan for government entities
• Review of the organisational structure, standard operating procedures, and job descriptions within the GSSCPD
• Development continues for the monitoring and preparation database system for various development projects
• Organisation of a leadership development program for senior government officials
• Launch of the “New Kuwait” branding campaign to raise public awareness and foster public engagement with the plan
• Support extended to the Ministry of Finance in establishing the Ministry’s transparency strategy for 2017-2020.
• Development of a proposal for an education reform strategy
• Provision of technical support to the Public Authority for Housing Welfare (PAHW)
• Establishment of a Strategic Programme Office to manage the development of the new city of South Mutlaa’
• Establishment of a Kuwait National Roster, to ensure a pool of deployable consultancy services