2017 Annual Report
A message from Dr. Ozonnia Ojielo
Dear reader,
2017 was an exciting year for the Kyrgyz Republic for many reasons. Key among them was the conduct of the Presidential Elections and political transitions that were of a historic nature. At the same time, a culture of public service orientation was taking root reinforced by adaptation of information and communication technologies in service delivery and in facilitating access to justice. On the issue of peace and tranquility, incidences of violence along Kyrgyzstan borders with its neighbors were significantly reduced as a result of enhancing the livelihood systems for those living along the borders.
Increased coverage with ARV and second-line TB treatment contributed to lower HIV and TB related mortality as well as improved quality of life of the patients; steadily increased coverage of most-at-risk groups with HIV prevention programs contributed to decreased or maintained level of HIV prevalence.
The coverage of protected areas in the country, with focus on conserving the Snow Leopard and other endangered species, has been increased from 6% to 7,2%. The country has also been given instruments to ensure greater access to diversified and long-term sustainable financing for addressing barriers to effective management of biodiversity and ecosystem services, and improvements have been made to enable successful bilateral cooperation over transboundary water resources, through the prism of Climate Change. Reduction of mercury emissions to better protect human health has occurred via elimination of mercury-containing medical equipment, and the National Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction has been adopted, paving the way for bringing the DRM framework in compliance with the Sendai Framework for DRR, and enabling strengthening of National Disaster Response and Risk Monitoring, as well as Early Warning Systems.
Our integrated area-based development support at the local level created 239 new jobs and helped 52320 beneficiaries and the vulnerable rural areas to enhance livelihoods and benefit from improved services delivery. We are leading the UN multi-agency partnership of UNDP, UN Environment, UNIDO, ILO and UNITAR “Partnership Action for Green Economy” and supporting a group of experts to develop country Green Economy Concept and Action Plan with the focus on Sustainable Finance and Sustainable Procurement. We are facilitating the improvement of trade environment for poverty reduction and the better livelihood for all. For example, 3612 people have improved their livelihoods through the strengthening of value-added chains.
These are some of the many reasons that punctuate the introductory statement with 2017 being an exciting year. These are about what progress towards the realization of the Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is about. Changes that are affecting holistic human development at the national and subnational level. The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), is happy to have been part of these and many more life changing, policy inspiring and long-term transformative development impacts from our cooperation with the Government and the people of the Kyrgyz Republic in 2017. This report outlines the transformative nature of UNDP's work during this period across our four thematic areas as were defined by the completing Country Programme Document for the period of 4 years.
UNDP, with the generous cooperation with the Governments of Finland, Japan, New Zealand, Russian Federation, Switzerland, UK, and the US, and also Global Fund and GEF were able to inspire hope in the lives of many citizens and the 2017 report both seeks to outline these significant achievements but also draw attention to areas for sustained interventions looking ahead into the new development cycle for Kyrgyzstan for 2018-2022. Much more remains to be accomplished, including in safeguarding the environment for future generations, widening the opportunity for doing business and creating wealth locally, creating sustainable livelihood systems that inspire disengagement from violence and extremism ideology and 100 percent transition to the spirit and letter of the intensive Judicial Reforms. On behalf of UNDP therefore, I wish to share with you this 2017 annual report in the spirit of the inspiring individual and collective action towards a better quality of life in Kyrgyzstan and in line with the now important SDG inspired principle of “Leaving No One Behind”.