The National Climate Change Forum was held in Kyrgyzstan ahead of the UNFCCC COP28

November 10, 2023


Bishkek – November 10, 2023 – The National Forum on Climate Change was held in Kyrgyzstan, timed to coincide with the 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). This event, organized in partnership with the Government Office, the Ministry of Natural Resources, Ecology and Technical Supervision of the Kyrgyz Republic, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Unison Group, the Green Alliance with the active participation of stakeholders, provides an opportunity to join efforts and create plans to combat the challenges of change climate, contributing to the sustainable development of Kyrgyzstan and the entire region.

Kyrgyzstan faces severe impacts of climate change, including increased average temperatures, decreased precipitation, frequent and severe droughts, and an increased threat of natural disasters. These challenges require joint efforts and solutions. 

One of the main goals of the forum is to draw the attention of the public, government and international organizations to the problems of climate change in Kyrgyzstan and the region as a whole and to develop strategies and action plans aimed at adapting to climate change and mitigating its consequences. The Forum also aims to develop a national position on the following areas, as determined by the COP28Presidency:

  • Accelerate the implementation of a just, equitable and orderly energy transition and emissions reductions by 2030;
  • Transforming climate finance and creating the basis for new directions for financing;
  • Put nature, people, lives and livelihoods at the center of climate action;
  • Mobilize efforts to conduct a COP with the participation of all stakeholders and ensure full inclusion.

Reaffirming the commitment of the President and Government of Kyrgyzstan to fulfilling its highest climate promise, the concept of carbon neutrality by 2050 has been developed, and the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Implementation Plan has been prepared as the main mechanism for action to reduce emissions and adapt to climate change.

Deputy of the Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic Kamila Talieva emphasized that the Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic, in partnership with all branches of government, pays great attention to environmental protection and climate change. “In 2022, a Council was created in the field of sustainable development of regions in the context of climate change under the Toraga Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic, whose tasks, among other things, are to prepare proposals for the preservation and sustainable development of the unique ecological system of the Kyrgyz Republic, ensuring the economic well-being of the population, their social well-being , as well as environmental and food security of citizens in the face of climate change,” she said.


UNDP Resident Representative in the Kyrgyz Republic Alexandra Solovieva noted, “Even though Kyrgyzstan is responsible for only three-hundredths of a percent of the global carbon concentration in the atmosphere, establishing a long-term vision of carbon neutrality becomes equally important and beneficial for Kyrgyzstan. This vision envisions how long-term adaptation and mitigation goals will be strategically integrated into development plans and further invested. They can be a breakthrough in creating a triple bottom line – a multi-crisis resilient nation, a green economy and sustainable development”.


“The National Forum on Climate Change has become an important platform for uniting the efforts of ministries, international development partners and representatives of the private sector, business and youth on the development of national policies on adaptation and mitigation consequences of climate change in Kyrgyzstan. I express my hope that the National Forum will make a significant contribution to the overall coordination and formation of the national agenda of COP-28.”, said the Member of the Board of the ALE "Green Alliance of Kyrgyzstan", President of Unison Group.


During the Forum, a variety of events were held, including panel sessions, presentations and other forms of interaction, providing an opportunity to delve deeply into climate change issues, gather diverse views and ideas, and develop concrete recommendations and solutions for the COP28 position. 

The Forum covered a wide range of topics, including climate change policy, energy, resilience and adaptation, and improving interactions between government, academic, private and civil society sectors. 

As a result of the forum, the following work was done:

• Development of proposals from civil society, the private sector, youth and academia for a national position for the COP28 in 2023;

• Formation of proposals and recommendations in the areas of energy, water and glaciers;

• Develop recommendations to improve sectoral participation in climate change adaptation and mitigation to strengthen strategic plans;

• Formation of proposals and recommendations to achieve carbon neutrality of the Kyrgyz Republic by 2050;

• Formation of proposals and recommendations for making changes to national climate policy;

• Active public participation in the decision-making process on climate change.

The National Climate Change Forum in Kyrgyzstan was an important event for ensuring sustainable development. Participants are committed to working together to make an active contribution to addressing climate change and creating a more sustainable future for all.