People in Osh joined UN Day celebration

October 26, 2019

This year, UN Day became a good cause for public celebration to raise awareness about the Sustainable Development Goals. Events in Osh timed to this significant event were scheduled for two days. The celebration was launched with a meeting with the diverse university students of Osh city to talk about the activities of UN Agencies in Kyrgyzstan and how UN helps the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic in achieving the SDGs.

About 400 students participated in the meeting. The short-film “Ala-Kachuu”, which was developed within the framework of UNDP and UNICEF Programmes, was shown to discuss SDG5 and its implementation in Kyrgyzstan. Students also got the opportunity to ask questions to guest speakers specially invited for the event: 2019 Nansen Award Winner Azizbek Ashurov, Master of Sports of Kyrgyzstan in football Aidana Otorbaeva and FIFA referee Bahadyr Kochkarov.

Each of the speakers motivated young people to combat stereotypes, encouraged for discoveries and achievements for the good of our country, to try their best to educate themselves and their network. SDG Youth Ambassadors, who joined the meeting called their peers to join the UN activities in Kyrgyzstan and told what each of them can do to help our country achieve the SDGs. The performance of the talented Adilet Toromamat uluu with the song “Kyrgyzstan”, became a wonderful conclusion of the meeting with the youth.

The celebration of UN Day in Osh continued in Alymbek-Datka Park the next day with the participation of the general public of the city and local mass media. The interactive program of the day was full of activities for children, youth and adults with the different quizzes and contests on the SDGs, master classes on a healthy way of life, flash mobs and much more.

Anyone who came to share the day with us could also exchange an incandescent light bulb for an energy-saving light bulb. This activity was supported by the UNDP initiative #TogetherBrighter aimed at raising awareness of affordable and clean energy for all.

There was also an on-line “Window” installed in the park to connect the UN Day celebration in Bishkek, which attracted a lot of attention and positive feedback among young people who made new friends on both sides of the screen!

“The event is very well organized, informative, especially for children! Not only my children but I myself also learned a lot of new things, learned what the SDGs are and what each of us can and should do in support of SDGs. I met with UN employees based in Osh and learned a lot of interesting things about their activities and projects from the photo exhibition placed in the park.” – said Kadyrova A.

We thank everyone who joined us on the UN Day celebration, and we hope that this day has become informative and interesting for you!