UNDP supports Kyrgyz beekeepers with equipment

April 22, 2021

UNDP supports Kyrgyz beekeepers with equipment /Photo : UNDP Kyrgyzstan

20 April 2021. The United Nations Development Programme set up a revolving fund, under which last week beekeepers in the Tyup, Jeti-Oguz and Jumgal districts received modern beekeeping equipment that meet food safety standards.

Ulan Aliev, a beekeeper from Chaek village in Naryn province / Photo : UNDP Kyrgyzstan

"Honey production and sale is my main income. The work lasts for one season, but I am able to provide for my family for the entire year. UNDP helped me a lot with the electric honeymaker, as I did not have the funds to buy one in the beginning of the season. I used to use a manual honey-making machine which took a lot of effort and time – I am very happy about the new purchase.”

                 - Ulan Aliev, a beekeeper from Chaek village in Naryn province. Chaek, Naryn Oblast

Honey producing equipment / Photo : UNDP Kyrgyzstan

The list of provided equipment includes honey-making machines (Dadan and Ruta), a cutting table for printing honeycombs and an electric drive for the honey-making machine. All of them were specially ordered and purchased from Ukraine. The beekeepers have pointed out that they attach particular importance to the provided equipment, as the devices increase work productivity and efficiency. The project also contributes to the increase of honey production, its quality and efficient processing. UNDP has contributed $10,000 to the revolving fund for each oblast in which beekeepers are supported.

UNDP supports Kyrgyz beekeepers with equipment / Photo : UNDP Kyrgyzstan

As part of the preliminary work, beekeepers' needs were assessed and, following consultations with them, a list of needed equipment was identified and purchased using the revolving fund. The main needs of the beekeepers are honey extractors, beehive frames and other apiary equipment.

Alexandra Kuznetsova, beekeeper / Photo : UNDP Kyrgyzstan

"I have been a beekeeper for about nine years. Within the framework of the UNDP 'Aid for Trade' project, I received a modernised honeymaker from the revolving fund. I have been dreaming about it for a long time because it speeds up and facilitates my work, as it has an automation function. I will no longer have to do everything manually".

- Alexandra Kuznetsova, beekeeper

The initiative is part of the Aid for Trade project, supported by the Finnish Government. In the future, it is planned that, within the framework of the revolving funds launched, the returned funds will be used to buy missing equipment and tools for beekeepers in the project's target regions.