Partnership Actions on Green Economy

Project background

Since 2016, the Kyrgyz Republic has been a member of the Global Partnership Actions on Green Economy (PAGE(link is external)), a joint initiative of five UN agencies – UNDP, UNEP, ILO, UNIDO and UNITAR.

The objectives of the initiative are to support the transition of the Kyrgyz Republic to a green economy, which leads to increased welfare and social justice, while significantly reducing environmental risks and imbalances. Partnership does this by providing technical and financial support for analyzing possibility of green economy, reforming policies in all sectors of the economy, and creating individual and institutional capacity for sustainability.

The Ministry of Economy of the Kyrgyz Republic is the beneficiary of this initiative and the main coordinating state body in the implementation of PAGE in the Kyrgyz Republic. In addition, the Ministry of Economy is ensuring inter-agency coordination of all stakeholders in the field of inclusive economic growth and is tasked to integrate inclusive green economy issues in the context of climate change, into long-term and medium-term strategic documents of the country on sustainable development.

In February 2017, under coordination of the Ministry of Economy and UNDP Kyrgyzstan, PAGE assessment mission was conducted. As a result, an overview report was prepared on "Inclusive Green Economy in the Kyrgyz Republic", which analyzed conditions, prerequisites and challenges for implementation of green economy in the Kyrgyz Republic. The report also describes measures undertaken by the government of the country to solve key problems, and sets priorities and recommendations for action within the framework of PAGE.

In 2019 the Government adopted Green Economy Development Programme for 2019-2023 with a respective Action plan.  The Programme identified seven priority areas: green energy; green agriculture, green industry; low carbon and environmentally friendly transportation; sustainable tourism; waste management; and green cities. Currently, the Government is focused on implementation of the Programme priorities.

In 2020, a new coordination mechanism on green economy and climate change was established. In order to strengthen the national coordination on climate change and green economy in the Kyrgyz Republic, two separate, previously fragmented councils were merged into one, the “Coordination Council on Green Economy and Climate Change”. This new coordination mechanism will be led by the Prime-Minister and aims to establish a comprehensive and streamlined effort on climate change and green economy activities in the country. The Climate Finance Center has been designated as the Secretariat for the new council, a decision that will enable harmonized attention to both climate change and green economy issues in the country.

Expected outcomes:

  • Kyrgyz Republic has reinforced and integrated inclusive green economy (IGE) goals and targets into SDG-aligned national economic and development planning through multistakeholder collaboration
  • Kyrgyz Republic has implemented evidence-based sectoral and thematic reforms in line with national IGE priorities
  • Kyrgyz Republic has strengthened Individual, institutional and planning capacities for IGE action

Current achievemnets:

Enabling policy environment has been established

In 2018, the Kyrgyz Parliament adopted the “Concept of Kyrgyzstan as a Green Economy Country”

In 2019 a Government Programme on Green Economy Development, and a respective action plan was adopted.

In 2020 a new Coordination Council on green economy and climate change was established.

Capacity of Kyrgyz Officials on Green Economy was strengthened

A Peer-to-peer learning visit to Mongolia for Kyrgyz officials was instrumental in shaping the Kyrgyz Republic’s identification of priority areas as they green their economy, particularly in green finance, sustainable public procurement and green jobs.

Awareness raising campaigns were conducted

Green Economy Week and Green Economy Forum were held in 2018 and 2019.

Satus: Active

Geographic coverage: All regions of Kyrgyzstan

Partners: Ministry of Economy of the Kyrgyz Republic, State Agency for Environmental Protection and Forestry under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic

Project Coordinator: Gulnara Abdykalykova

Budget: USD 279 460
Year: 2020

Budget: USD 309 140,28
Year: 2019

Expenses: USD 193 987,83

Year: 2018

Expences: USD 42 571,89

Year: 2017