Strengthening climate resilience in Batken province

The project is funded by the Russian Federation and implemented by UNDP in the Kyrgyz Republic in cooperation with national partners in accordance with the frame partnership agreement between UNDP and Russia.

Project overview:

The UNDP project “Strengthening climate resilience of the Batken Province of the Kyrgyz Republic through introduction of climate smart irrigation and mudflow protection measures” is aimed at strengthening the climate resilience of livelihoods of local communities in the Batken Province, which is deemed to be the most vulnerable region to climate change impacts in the Kyrgyz Republic.

Reducing vulnerability will be achieved through the integrated promotion of complementary solutions, expanding the application of climate change adaptation practices that have been successfully implemented by UNDP in areas such as agriculture, integrated water resource management and disaster risk reduction.

Main components of the project:

  • Improved climate information and local capacity for climate-resilient irrigation water management
  • Expanded application of water-efficient technologies and protection of irrigation systems
  • Increased awareness and dissemination of best practices to reduce climate vulnerability of local communities

Interim results:

Expanded application of water-efficient technologies and protection of irrigation systems

1) Implementation of activities in the most vulnerable local communities.

Based on the results of the vulnerability assessment of local communities and identifying areas and irrigation infrastructure vulnerable to hydrological disasters in Batken, Kadamjai and Leilek districts of Batken oblast, the UNDP-RTF project signed an LOA agreement with 7 municipalities which are most vulnerable to climate change from three districts of Batken province: Tort -Gul LSG and Samarkandek LSG of Batken district, Aksuu LSG and Kulundu LSG of Leilek district, Alga LSG, Markaz LSG and Orozbekov LSG of Kadamjai district. According to the LOAs these LSGs will directly implement the relevant activities, using the mechanism for transferring of funds to national partners (HACT), according to which the parties determine their financial and labor contributions and work plans, and in accordance with the public procurement procedures under the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic, a contractor will be hired to perform the scope of work. Quality monitoring and oversight is carried out by UNDP and a commission determined by the local community. Detailed information on each activity can be found in our recent report.

2) Introduction of water-saving irrigation technologies and facilities for the rehabilitation / protection of on-farm irrigation facilities in target communities.

Based on consultations with the local communities and the decision of the commission, 60 plots were selected (Batken district: 4 in Tort-Gul LSG, 8 in Samarkandek LSG; Leilek district: 15 in Aksuu LSG, 5 in Kulundu LSG; Kadamzhai district: 8 in Alga LSG, 5 in Markaz LSG, 7 in Orozbekov LSG) for the installation of water-saving drip irrigation systems. A technical appraisal of the sites nominated by the local communities was carried out and, according to the developed tender documents, a contractor was selected. Currently, a phased work has begun on the installation and launch of drip irrigation systems. The first drip irrigation systems will be used by farmers in the spring and summer of 2021.

To increase the knowledge of the farmers on climate smart irrigation, trainings will be carried out using training materials on the use of agroclimatic information, preparedness for various hydroclimatic events, effective approaches to irrigation in the region with low humidity. This activity will develop and implement a multi-modular curriculum aimed at enhancing knowledge and skills related to adaptation to climate change, including weather observation and interpretation of agro-meteorological forecast, disaster risk reduction, and promotion of climate smart agriculture. and rational use of water resources for pilot local communities in Batken province. The activity is underway.



Expected results:

Creation of a system for providing agro-climatic information through improving the quality of the meteorological forecasting system and its use;

Introduction of new technologies for efficient water use and accounting, which will, in turn, save up to 11,000 m³ of irrigation water annually and the implementation of measures to rehabilitate and protect on-farm irrigation systems from hydrological natural disasters, which will reduce the level of losses on an area of 22,000 hectares and to increase water supply on an area of 12,977 hectares of irrigated land;

Raising stakeholder awareness of the negative impacts of climate change, vulnerability and adaptation opportunities.

Status: Active

Start date: 2019

Projected end date: 2020

Geographic coverage: 7 municipalities of Batken province:

  • Batken district – Tort-Gul AA and Samarkandek AA
  • Kadamhai district – Alga АА, Markaz АА, Orozbekova АА
  • Leilek district – Ak-Suu АА and Kulundu АА

Subject area: Climate change

Project coordinator: Zhyldyz Uzakbaeva  (