(Prevention and Elimination of Violence against Women for Mainstreaming Gender into the National Development Agenda in Lao PDR)
Khan Hom Project
Photo by: UNDP Lao PDR
The Khan Hom Project supports the government’s commitment to reduce discrimination and violence against women by consolidating efforts from various stakeholders, improving legislation, building capacity of duty bearers, and engaging in advocacy.
The project will pursue initiatives that accelerate structural transformations for the elimination of gender-based violence (GBV) against women and remove the institutional, societal, political and legal barriers hindering its achievement. More specifically, UNDP will support the Lao Women’s Union (LWU) in building institutional capacities of the justice sector to develop, adopt and implement the next phase of the 5-year National Action Plan on Preventing and Eliminating Violence Against Women (2021-2025) and its implementation guideline. Capacity development programmes and training will be developed and provided for the LWU as well as key justice sector ministries and authorities. The project will also support the LWU’s efforts to establish a platform for policy dialogue to ensure women’s participation in decision-making and implement initiatives to develop women’s capacities to participate and lead.
Under this KOICA-supported joint project, UNDP and UNFPA will support the government uphold its international obligations to prevent and respond to GBV, including under the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) in alignment with KOICA's Gender Equality Mid Term Strategy 2016-2020, and respond and recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.
The 2014 National Survey on Violence Against Women (VAW) found that over 30% of ever-partnered women in Lao PDR have experienced at least one of the three types of violence (physical, sexual and emotional) by a male partner in their lifetime. This is a symptom, among other things, of discriminatory beliefs and customs perpetuating traditional gender roles.
The COVID-19 pandemic has also exacerbated pre-existing gender inequalities that foster violence and emerging evidence from the pandemic indicates an increase in cases of GBV in Lao PDR. Measures put in place to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, including lockdowns, social distancing and other restrictions on movement, increase the risk of domestic violence, sexual exploitation and other harmful practices.
This project responds to Lao PDR’s national policy, KOICA’s Gender Equality strategy and the UN’s SDGs to eliminate violence against women and achieve gender equality. The 8th National Social and Economic Development Plan 2016-2020 (NSEDP), lays out a clear framework and foundations for the development of the country and sets gender as a cross-cutting issue.
Major Achievements:
- Co-hosted International Women’s Day 2021 focusing on women in leadership, highlighting women leaders in business, government, development, and politics
- Supported the Lao Women’s Union in developing and publishing communications assets for the 16 Days of Activism Campaign 2021, including messaging to prevent gender based violence adopting behavioral change models
- Conducted a capacity needs assessment of key agencies in the justice and policing sector to implement the National Action Plan on the Elimination of Violence Against Women (NAPEVAW)
Project Outcome:
- Establishing a platform for policy dialogue with key relevant stakeholders, ensuring that the experiences of survivors are respected and reflected.
- Raising awareness of the relevant institutions of the justice and policing sectors on gender issues and strengthening their capacity and prevent and respond to VAWG.
- Conducting research and surveys to support data collection and monitoring and reporting on the progress of Lao PDR.
- Organizing an international conference and exchange programme with experts from the Republic of Korea and neighboring countries.
GESI (Gender Equality & Social Inclusion) component
Approximately 3,000 Lao officials (60%) of Lao Women’s Union and other line ministries/ authorities at the national and subnational levels (e.g. Ministry of Social Welfare, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Health, Lao Statistics Bureau, etc.) are expected to primarily and directly benefit from the proposed project activities through capacity development, knowledge and information exchange, and research. All Lao women who have been subject to gender-based violence will secondarily benefit from the expected project results (approx. 3,237,458, 2015 Census).
Related Materials
- Project document
- Khan Hom Project Brochure
- 66 Years in the Fight Against Violence: How the Lao Women’s Union Works to Protect Women in Lao PDR
- Unified under the Umbrella to Protect Women from Violence
Project details:
- Status: Active
- Start Date: December 2020
- End Date: September 2024
- Project Office: Governance, UNDP Lao PDR
- Focus Area: Health, social, justice and policing sectors and governance
- Collaborating Partners: Lao Women's Union (LWU) and National Commission for the Advancement of Women, Mothers and Children (NCAWMC)
- Total budget: 2.7 million USD (1.6 million through UNDP, 1.1 million through UNFPA)