Support to an Effective Lao National Assembly

Support to an Effective Lao National Assembly

What is the project about?

The objective of this joint UN programme is to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the National Assembly (NA), to further strengthen its legislative, oversight and representational capacity through initiatives targeted towards NA members, the NA committees and NA staffers. The Programme also integrates support to the Government of Lao PDR to develop national policies and legislation for the establishment of local councils as sub-national representative institutions.

What have we accomplished?

  • Produced Annual Progress reports for the years 2009, 2010 & 2011
  • Established and organized regular National Assembly Intersession events which precede the twice yearly main Ordinary Sessions and focus on priority development issues. 
  • Set up a National Assembly Hotline for members of the public to call in to discuss issues affecting them. 
  • Enhanced the capacity of National Assembly Members to review laws and debate policies.
  • Increased the National Assembly’s budgetary oversight function.
  • Increased interaction between National Assembly members and citizens
  • Increased the capabilities and skills of the NA staffers to deliver more effective and efficient services to support the NA members. This in turn helps the NA Members to provide improved law making, oversight and representational services.

The Lao National Assembly. Photo: UNDP Lao PDR/Daniel Hodgson

Related documents:

Project document:Support to an Effective Lao National Assembly

Project Brief 2012