Support to Flood Response Effort - Early Recovery Programming (Attapeu 1+2)
Support to Flood Recovery Effort - Early Recovery Programming (Attapeu 1+2)
What is the project about?
On 18 and 19 July, Tropical Storm Son-Tinh caused heavy rains and flooding in 55 districts of 13 provinces across northern, central and southern Lao PDR. An unprecedented flash flood occurred on the night of 23-24 July in Attapeu Province due to the breaching of a saddle dam of the Xe Pien -Xe Nam Noy hydropower dam. Over five billion cubic meters of water, equal to two million Olympic swimming pools, inundated an estimated 55,000 hectares of land covering it with mud and sludge. Initial air and ground assessment results led the Prime Minister of Lao PDR to declare Sanamxay district of Attapeu Province as a National Emergency Disaster Zone.
The Government led the response through an ad hoc National Disaster Prevention and Control Committee chaired by the Deputy Prime Minister and welcomed international support. Development partners and members of the Humanitarian Country Team augmented national response efforts and a Disaster Response Plan has been launched on August 07, 2018. In a Crisis Board Meeting held on July 26, 2018, a crisis of the highest level was declared, and UNDP Lao PDR was granted USD 200,000. These funds are being used to continue support for coordination and planning for early recovery; implementing damage and loss assessments; and implementing early recovery initiatives. These funds are also utilized as seed funding to leverage additional resources for recovery initiatives and build linkages for long term recovery. UNDP has also enhanced the capacity of its country office by deploying several disaster and emergency experts.
The objective of the project is to support the government of Lao PDR in the immediate response to the devastating floods in Attapeu Province.
Expected Outcomes
- Effective coordination and planning for response.
- Post-Disaster Needs Assessment conducted in Sanamxay District and preparation of Early Recovery Framework.
- Implementation of the early recovery strategy for Sanamxay District.
- Administration and project management operations.
- Equipment and materials provided for emergency response.
- UXO Clearance conducted in the flood area.
Project Details
- Duration: August 2018 – July 2019
- Geographic coverage: Attapeu Province and other provinces
- Focus area: Response and recovery
- Implementing partner: UNDP in partnership with the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare
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