Background Information:
Funded by several donors, the Environment, Climate and Energy Programme in Lebanon works closely with the Government of Lebanon and collaborates with the private sector, local municipalities and civil sector organizations to improve natural resource management, mitigate and adapt to climate change and promote sustainable energy.
Activities & goals
The programme aims to move Lebanon towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) more specifically Goal 7 on environmental sustainability and to improve the lives and livelihoods of Lebanese citizens through more sustainable approaches.
Interesting statistics
Target aiming to meet 30% of total primary energy consumption from renewables by 2030.
More efficient energy standards could reduce building and industry electricity consumption by 14%.
In depth information
The programme currently implements more than 21 projects with different ministries, including the Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Energy and Water, Ministry of Agriculture, the Lebanese Agriculture Research Institute, and others. The programme has shifted in its structure and thematic areas throughout the years depending on the priorities of the government and the changing environmental needs in the country.
Currently the programme mainly works on:
- Supporting national efforts to meet international environmental conventions including the Montreal Protocol, the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Convention of Biological Diversity
- Promote sustainable energy approaches across the productive and public sectors including various types of renewable energy sources (solar, wind, hydro, etc.) and demand-side management (energy efficiency) using grant and blended financing
- Adapt and mitigate climate change impact through the promotion of water management and conservation, protection of vulnerable water resources, improving water efficiency and reducing pollution loads on water bodies.
In most of these projects, gender aspects are taken into consideration to ensure that equal opportunities are provided to both men and women. For example, some projects work specifically with rural women cooperatives and active women organizations in different geographical areas of the country.