UNDP and IDEANCO Collaborate to Solve Climate Change Challenges

December 17, 2020

The Covid-19 pandemic and the severe economic crisis Lebanon is grappling with is derailing its progress towards a greener future. But it there is always an opportunity to be seen in every crisis, allowing us to build back better.

On 15 December, UNDP and IDEANCO collaborated on a climate change platform – IDEANCO CLIMATHON. It will take place in Beirut and 8 cities across the globe from April 1 till April 11, 2021.

This Climathon falls within the scope of a memorandum of understanding signed between UNDP & IDEANCO to strengthen work on climate change and transform challenges in air pollution and mobility. It aims to engage local and international innovators to find impactful global solutions and successful business models that will create startups including the trendiest jobs of the future in climate change.

Supported by the European Union CLIMATE Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC) programme, UNDP and Ideanco are scaling up their efforts to provide hope and a much-needed assistance to innovators in implementing the Sustainable Development Goals and climate action by getting engaged in the IDEANCO CLIMATHON.

In light of the climate change problems, IDEANCO Lab (hybrid Lab) will also be working closely with the innovators to find global, impactful solutions for the world's significant challenges. Such solutions provided by the innovators will be developed further at the Ideanco Lab to become either a product and service, which is the beginning of forming a startup and creating future jobs in climate change.

To initiate this collaboration, Beirut's IDEANCO office is offering local innovators access to the IDEANCO CLIMATHON at no cost. A limited number of seats are available for Lebanon at no case, where innovators can register their interest by visiting the dedicated page IDEANCO CLIMATHON LEBANON. Register, add to cart at zero value by using the link below:

https://academy.ideanco.com/challenges/climathon-2021/(link is external)

About IDEANCO: https://ideanco.com/aboutus/(link is external)