Anti-Corruption thematic areas

Corruption undermines human development. It corrodes rule of law and destroys public trust in governments and state institutions.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) make an explicit link between corruption and peaceful, just and inclusive societies. SDG 16 and its targets on reducing bribery, strengthening institutions and accessing information are not only valuable aspirations in their own right, they are also vital conditions for the achievement of all the 17 goals. Nonetheless, Lebanon’s Anti-Corruption Strategy reiterates the aforementioned premises towards the advancement of Lebanon’s anti-corruption efforts and ramping up of the existing legal framework.

To know more about Lebanon’s National and International commitments, existing instruments and legal framework, UNDP have compiled the following resources and developed related videos and materials for everybody’s reference, and will continue to feed it with the essential information. You may also instigate a conversation about the anti-corruption framework with ACT, UNDP’s chatbot that was developed to help you navigate the related laws, conventions and indicators.

           “Knowledge is the key to accountability! With corruption we all pay the price”