Woman voting

Lebanese Elections Assistance Project (LEAP)

Lebanese Elections Assistance Project (LEAP)


UNDP Lebanese Electoral Assistance Project (LEAP), funded by the European Union, has the main objective to strengthen institutions and processes for the conduct of transparent and inclusive elections in Lebanon.

UNDP LEAP works closely with the Ministry of Interior and Municipalities (MoIM), which has responsibilities for electoral management, administration and overall electoral operations. The project also supports other electoral stakeholders, such as the Supervisory Commission for Elections, the Constitutional Council and judicial bodies with responsibilities for electoral disputes. In addition, the project works in close cooperation with civil society organizations active in the area of elections.

Through a multi-component approach, the project has the intended outcomes of providing technical assistance and support in the following key electoral areas:

1. Management and Administration of Elections

2. Supervision and Monitoring of Elections

3. Resolution of Electoral Disputes

4. Initiatives to enhance inclusiveness and awareness of voters and citizens with a particular focus on women, youth and first-time voters and persons with disabilities


The Democratic Governance Programme in Lebanon focuses on providing technical support for the institutional development of public institutions, and for formulation and implementation of economic, administrative and financial reform policies and legislations. It also supports policies related to improved governance, inclusive participation and empowerment. The Programme works in partnership with public institutions, Civil Society Organizations and Private sector.

In addition, the portfolio focuses on enhancing citizens’ opportunities to participate in the political decision-making processes and thus make institution more democratic, accountable and responsive. The Programme focuses on developing national strategies and plans for anti-corruption, human rights, gender equality and administrative reform.

Major achievements

In accordance with its mandate, LEAP Phase I supported in 2016 the organization and conduct of municipal elections, in four consecutive phases across the country. And in 2018, the project supported the preparation and implementation of the 2018 parliamentary elections, after nine years of postponements.

Subsequently, in 2019, UNDP LEAP provided assistance in the organization and implementation of legislative by-elections and organization of municipal elections (which implementation was postponed), in accordance with the electoral legal framework.

The second phase of the project’s implementation period started in 2020 with the objective of preparing for the conduct of the 2022 parliamentary elections.

Project outcome

Overall Outcome:

Strengthen democratic electoral processes in Lebanon.

Specific Outcome:

  • To strengthen the management and administration capacities of the Lebanese administration, for the conduct of credible, transparent and legitimate parliamentary, municipal and mukhtar elections in 2022
  • Build trust and confidence in the Lebanese institutions and processes through comprehensive engagement and participation programme focused on political participation, inclusiveness from a human rights perspective and reinforce the concept of free, fair, credible, transparent and inclusive elections

GESI Component:

There are a number of legislative areas where there is inequality between men and women, as well as direct and indirect discrimination against women; these relate to civil status, nationality, domestic violence and family laws etc. Specifically, for elections, the place of voter registration of women is automatically transferred upon marriage to the place of registration of their husband.

No legislation or regulation has been adopted for the implementation of special measures to ensure equality between men and women.

While there is a high voter turnout among Lebanese women, women’s participation as candidates and MPs is still one of the lowest in the world. In 2009, just four women (3.1%) were elected to the 128-member Lebanese Parliament. This represented a drop from the already low figure of six women MPs (4.6%) that had been elected in 2005. This data places Lebanon as 141st in the Inter-Parliamentary Union’s global rankings of women’s parliamentary representation.

Women candidates face specific obstacles in running for elections. In addition to familial, social and cultural pressures that are well-known, few women candidates have the financial resources to allow them to campaign and compete on a level playing field with established candidates unless they are backed by political parties. Women candidates have tended to be politically Independent, with limited political reputation, and a limited experience in political/electoral systems or the technical issues related to standing and running as a candidate, such as list formation. Political decision-makers see women as a potential liability for a party or a list to lose, and are unlikely to endorse or support them. Under the current electoral structures that are in place, many women candidates will stand no chance of winning seats.

The project will address the gender equality issues regarding women participation in the political life through:

  • Advocating for the implementation of the article 2 and 7 of CEDAW
  • Advocating for electoral reforms including the adoption of the women’s quota in elections and other TSMs
  • Advocating to combat gender stereotyping and sexism inside the institutions and amongst the public
  • Producing inclusive electoral awareness campaigns targeting women, youth and PWDs
  • Raising awareness amongst the youth on gender and engage them in civic activities as creating clusters and gender equality at their universities
  • Organizing training programs targeting women potential candidates
  • Develop a digital platform including women champions in all sectors
  • Developing and endorsing a new law to protect violence against women in politics (VAWP)
  • Advocate to amend gender discriminatory laws



January 2020


September 2025






United Nations Development Programme




Org Inter de la Francophonie

UN Women












Full Project information