Transparency in the Municipalities and Federations
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May 4, 2020
Heeding the call of Lebanese citizens for transparency and accountability, which was unequivocally heard on 17 October, expressing disgruntlement with the political elite and widespread corruption, clientelism, and abuse of power, the Gherbal Initiative embarked on an effort to make a humble contribution to the resounding demand for deep and comprehensive reforms.
In the framework of an agreement with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), we formed and trained a team to visit the regions and raise awareness on the Law, while working to solicit, compile and analyze financial data in accordance with it. Between December 2019 and January 2020, we requested, through registered mail, from each of the selected municipalities and federations, a copy of its annual financial statement for the years 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018, showing the chapters and functions, the revenues generated, and the actual expenditures. Our team also followed up on our requests of information in different ways including phone calls and physical site visits as detailed in this report.
We also supported Gherbal Initiative in the development of online platforms for ten municipalities and federation of municipalities in Lebanon so they can better communicate with their constituents and publish municipal decisions, statements of accounts, budgets and other information required by the 2017 law on access to information.