Internship Opportunities

UNDP Lesotho Communications and Visibility Intern

Moretlo 'Moleli - COMMUNICATIONS AND VISIBILITY INTERN. Prior to working for UNDP, she worked as a Writing Consultant at the University of Cape Town, where she also held many other roles as an advisor in academic and creative writing. She was also the Communications Director of TEDxMoshoeshoeRd, where she facilitated the organisation's external communications and managed its social media campaigns. In addition, Moretlo co-founded Movers for Social Change, which is a non-profit organisation that focuses on the social and economic development of marginalised groups in society, particularly with a special focus on the use of education to combat gender-based violence and femicide. 

Moretlo holds an Honours degree (B.A Hon.) in International Relations and is awaiting conferment of her master’s degree (M.A) in the same field in April 2022 from the University of Cape Town. Her special research focus was on trade, economic integration and regionalism in Africa; the economic growth of Africa in order to combat poverty being her core passion. She also has a Bachelor of Social Sciences B.Soc.Sc(link is external)) in Human and Societal Dynamics, with majors in Sociology, Psychology, Criminology and a minor in Political Science. In 2016 Moretlo was the grateful recipient of the Mandela Rhodes Scholarship which recognises young African leaders who are dedicated to learning and advancing education, entrepreneurship and reconciliation within the continent. Her career satisfaction comes from contributing to the transformative needs of marginalised communities in areas such as economic growth, education and personal development. Moretlo speaks English, Sesotho and minimal French. 

Under the overall guidance of the Resident Representative and direct supervision of the Communications Focal Point, the Communications and Visibility Intern  will provide support to the implementation of the communications and advocacy strategies of the Country Office to increase the standing and awareness of UNDP Lesotho with partners, the media and the public. 

#NextGenerationThinking - To secure a better world for current and future generations we need to push the boundaries of possibility. This means we are always open to new ideas, flexible in our working practices  and ready to adapt to the highly diverse and fast changing environments in which we operate. UNDP Lesotho welcomes Moretlo 'Moleli to our Team!