National Climate Change Programme

Project overview

This project supports the Government of Malawi to climate-proof the policies, strategies and plans Of the sectors of the economy most directly affected by climate change, in order to create an enabling policy and regulatory environment within which vulnerable communities will be empowered to adapt to these challenges in harmony with the environment

Project objective

This project enables the Government of Malawi to climate-proof the policies, strategies and plans of the sectors of the economy most directly affected by climate change.

Project outputs

  • Climate change mainstreamed in policies, development plans and programmes at national level and implemented in 15 disaster-prone districts
  • Data and knowledge on the impacts of climate change collected and made accessible to decision makers in Government, private sector and civil society
  • Coordination mechanisms and implementation arrangements for climate change established and used at national level and in 15 disaster-prone districts
  • Implementation modalities and financing mechanisms for National Climate Change Investment plan established and operationalized at national and district levels
  • Programme management and advisory support.