Malaysia SDG Investor Map Report


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Malaysia SDG Investor Map Report

June 19, 2023

To mobilise private sector capital to advance SDGs, UNDP Malaysia, together with the Government of Malaysia, developed the Malaysia SDG Investor Map.

The Malaysia SDG Investor map, funded by the Joint Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Fund, resulted from a partnership between the UNDP Malaysia Country Office, Malaysia’s Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry (MITI) and the Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA). Developed with technical support from one of UNDP’s global policy centres, the UNDP ICPSD (Istanbul International Centre for Private Sector in Development) and the UNDP SDG Impact, the Malaysia SDG Investor Map identifies investment opportunity areas (IOAs) that are aligned with Malaysia’s national priorities, and SDG needs while carrying considerable investment potential in Malaysia.

This report highlights the importance of the Malaysia SDG Investor Map, the process of identifying priority sectors and investment opportunities, and the summaries of the 15 investment opportunity areas.

More details of the investment opportunity areas can be found at the UNDP SDG Investor Platform(link is external) and MIDA’s website.(link is external)